Starker Hengsttrieb bei Wallach?
ich habe ein Problem, seit ca 3 Monaten versuch mein 19 jähriger Wallach, ständig meine junge Stute zu „bespringen“.
Leider wurde mein bubi erst mit ca. 13 kastriert und verhält sich sehr hengsttypisch. Er hängt wie verrückt an meiner stute und dreht völlig durch ohne sie..
ich habe ihn auch schon für ca. 1 Monat in einer reinen wallach herde stehen lassen, geht aber leider nicht, er dreht durch wenn er von ihr weg muss und sie genauso…
kann man da etwas zufüttern oder hat wer tipps?
So I’d practice with the two horses. If you’re successful, I’d try the wallach herd again. If both herds stand next to each other, this will probably be difficult or impossible. Then you can only put one of them in another stable. It’s annoying two horses in two stables, but it’s worth it at your place. Apart from sticking terribly annoyed and making everything complicated, your stubborn is on your back. (in a stable once gave the same situation, because of the hooves it was open to the back and ribs everywhere. Saw badly)
There are trainers who can help you how to work with glues. This is your first problem. Success
testosterone will continue to be produced in the besides when the horse was only cast after the sexually mature. the longer after the sexually mature that happens, the more “played” is the testosterone balance.
So you should give something that has an estrogen-like effect. I only fell to feed the daily feed of a bottle of alcohol-free beers one or more hops a day. where pure jumps also generally affects the spirit. it’s a sedative.
or you need to ask the veterinarian if he considers a targeted hormonal gift or a “chemical after-catastration” useful.
and that he randalizes when he is supposed to give “his” stubborn is normal. the wallachherde would have to be spatially so far away that he can neither smell nor hear the stubborn. in the case of a animal that can smell water from 5km distance and in the wind direction hear the call of another horse up to 8km distance, a rather difficult one.
I’m sorry. We’ve got a big wall. With 13 a castration doesn’t make sense anymore, because that’s also a headache.