Starker Elektromotor gesucht?


ich suche einen Elektromotor mit passendem Getriebe. Der Getriebemotor sollte mindestens 1000U/min und 30Nm leisten. Außerdem sollte der Getriebemotor so kompakt wie möglich sein.
Möglich wäre ein Motor ähnlich wie in einem Akkuschrauber allerdings ohne Drehmomentstufen.

Wo kann man so etwas kaufen? Ich freue mich auf eure Tipps!

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3 years ago

that would have to be a doller battery screwdriver, which brings good 3 kW of power…

if it may be much faster. I think about about 1460 min^-1, I would use a 5.5 kW 4 pole asyncronous three-phase motor.

if something is less, a 4kW asnycroner three-phase motor, 6pin.

the effective speed at 50 Hz is about 940 due to slippage… for this you have a torque of about 38 Nm high-performance standard motor generator

lg, anna

3 years ago

So it’s not hard to find such a motor. the problem is mostly in financing. there are many pages in the net of electric motor company.

3 years ago

At 30Nm and 1000 rpm, you need a charge of 3 KW. What are you doing?

3 years ago
Reply to  Flo8498

Your requirements are far too high. For a drill pump take a drill. Why should it be bigger?

3 years ago

What do you want the engine to drive?

3 years ago
Reply to  Flo8498

So a motor for continuous operation?