Starke Spinnenphobie?
Ich hab ne extreme Spinnenphobie, wenn ich eine in der Wohnung sehe haut es mich gefühlt weg, ich kann nicht ein mal auf die Toilette wenn sich eine Spinne unter Decke runter baumelt. Deswegen weiß ich auch nicht was ich tun soll wenn ich mal alleine lebe :/
Ich trau mich nicht die Spinnen mit nem Staubsauger oder Besen weg zu machen, weil sie auf mich springen oder fallen könnte und dann ist es vorbei mit mir..
Was soll ich nur tun!?
You just have to figure out how irrational it is.
You don’t think how many spiders are right near you, you don’t even notice and they don’t do anything.
On the bottom of your bed, behind the closets etc., they are almost everywhere. And at night they go on a hike and probably walk over the bed without getting anything. It’s so bad.
If you live alone, no one will be able to help you. A cat could possibly help. Most like hunting insects.
A therapy with spiders.
Ehh Excuse me, what do you mean here?
There are therapies where you can finally touch a bird spine.
Deim brain is only wired wrong with spiders.
In the end, they are more afraid of you than vice versa. The spiders here in Germany are totally harmless to humans. They don’t look appetizing and I don’t want them in my bed, but as long as they stay away from me, it doesn’t bother me.
Insect spray
Doesn’t always help. I had a huge mutant spider in my bath last night, which was still running after the third big raid.
An exposure therapy or psychotherapy would definitely make sense for you. Don’t worry, exposure therapy is not about overcoming fear from now on. It is about step by step of fear.
I wish you all the best.