Severe period pain?

I'm 15, and I've had my period since I was 12. I've always had abdominal pain, sometimes severe, sometimes mild. Recently, it was so bad that I even had to cry… it was almost unbearable. I've even taken painkillers twice, which barely helped. What should I do? My period always lasts 8-12 days, and I only have pain for the first 3 days.

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2 years ago

Feel :c Always keep the body warm or make a warm bottle. That helps a lot, trust me 🙂 Otherwise, you may drink tea and massage can also help. Otherwise you can try to walk?

2 years ago

Turn to a gynecologist. The usual painkillers usually do not help, because they usually do not contain a spasm-releasing component.

2 years ago
Reply to  user2929291

Maybe you can ask your best friend if she likes to come

2 years ago
Reply to  user2929291

This is sad that your mother does not take you seriously. Tell your greetings from me- I’m also a mum that you should be happy as a mother when the kids come with your question and don’t reject them. Yes and you should go to the doctor. That one has a stomachache is common, but not so violent. Normal painkillers help little. .There are no prescriptions, but I would find it important to clarify where the severe pain comes from.

2 years ago
Reply to  user2929291

We cannot solve the problem here. You can try to get an appointment with a gynecologist on your own.