Starke Leberschmerzen, oder zumindest im umliegenden Gewebe?
Hallo ich hätte mich gestern im Medikamentenplan vertan,, und seitdem starke schmerzen im Bereich der Leber seit Stunden 😔 hat jemand ne Idee was man da machen kann außer Tee trinken?
Hallo ich hätte mich gestern im Medikamentenplan vertan,, und seitdem starke schmerzen im Bereich der Leber seit Stunden 😔 hat jemand ne Idee was man da machen kann außer Tee trinken?
Hallo Leute meine Augen tränen so viel das ich vorne an beiden Augen und hinten an beiden Augen schon herzeige rote Haut bekommen habe die vertrocknet wegen den Tränen gibt es eine gute Creme die auch nicht in den Augen brennt die hilft diese Wunden zu heilen ?
Jo also kenne den genauen Begriff dafür nicht aber ich erkläre die Situation eibtach mal, am Montag habe ich aus Langeweile ungefähr 100 Wiederholungen Hammer curls und 50 Wiederholungen trizpes pull downs gemacht, Montag war alles super keine Schmerzen. am Dienstag aber hatte ich Killer schmerzen im Ellbogen sodass ich meinen Arm nur unter starken…
Hallo, Guten Abend. Ich Habe Mich Heute Leider Ein Wenig Gestoßen Aber Nichts Passiert Gott Sei Dank Leider Auf Die Rippen Von Mir, Ich Hatte Dann CA: 15 Sekunden Fast Keine Luft Mehr Gehabt. Ist Dann Zum Glück Durchsfenster Öffnen Auf Kipp Und Die Dazugehörige Frische Luft Wieder Besser Geworden Hattet Ihr Auch Schon Solche…
Eine Bekannte von mir hatte nach einer Bein-op eine Lungenembolie und ist bereits seit 3 Wochen krank. Es war eine ziemlich schlimme Embolie, wir sind sehr froh, dass sie es überlebt hat. Wir haben nicht besonders viel Kontakt zu ihr, aber mich würde interessieren, wann man nach soetwas wieder arbeitsfähig ist ?
hey, ich bin gerade mit meinem Bruder im Freibad und er ist irgendwie komisch gegen mich geschwommen das mein kleiner Finger blöd umgeknickt ist. Also er ist nicht blau aber ein ganz kleines bisschen geschwollen. Ich kann ihn bewegen aber es tut weh. Auch wenn ich ihn nicht bewege tut es weh. Was könnte das…
As it sounds, peppermint tea could help you relax the essential oils of the whole area. (Take up a thermoscan from it and drink it unsweetly.)
Then wrap your liver and lay down. You’re probably asleep, that’s good.
There are ways to get the liver fit again. Everything starts with the right food.
OK, thanks
It’s Kneipp’s liver wound. But if you take medication, ask the doctor if it fits.
What else can help: put a piece of core soap on the spot. Good improvement!
The FS has been diagnosed with liver inflammation by the doctor. Your advice to drink peppermint tea went past the problem as it turned out later.
He took drugs wrong, as he said. Then it was the environment of the liver that hurt. Such a thing quickly regenerates with the domestic means I mentioned – a lot of liquid assumed. In bed rest (in lying) the liver works several times as well as normal, so it should be possible to give it this.
old does not protect against foolishness!
… and also not inconspicuous, endangering advice from some CE’s here.
That’s exactly what they should know.
Unfortunately, they seem to not do it.
Exactly. And your proposal “Pfefferminttee, bed rest and core soap on the abdomen” would have endangered the FS with liver inflammation.
The question is whether you understand the meaning of this spell and why you do not consider it. I would have to swallow if I had given a life-threatening advice unconsidered.
If it had been an overdose of Citalopram, it would lead to heart problems that could cause death. And you want to put a soap on your stomach?
With everything I’ve read about a variety of mistakes and self-diagnosis, I would first start using the well-known means to detoxify and give the body time to normalize. Primo non nocere. You understand?
I know you find that.
Your advice in case of liver inflammation or overdose would endanger the life of the FS. Doesn’t that make you think?
Somehow, I find my methods to strengthen the self-healing powers and to promote liver detoxification is significantly more harmless than the pharmaceutical Devil with such terrible side effects.
With a liver inflammation you go to the doctor immediately. Instead of drinking and waiting for tea would be dangerous to health to life.
The idea that the inflammation of the liver was triggered by the wrong use of the drugs would be a way to understand nothing of pharmacy. However, this is not plausible with the said agent Citalopram. Instead, the overdose can lead to danger of life through EKG changes or drowsiness to the coma.
That’s why you choose the poison call! Instead of placing core soap on the abdomen is a nasty mischief.
Anyone who recommends such a bullshit has no idea and takes the risk of life for the FS to buy.
You’re welcome.
Thank you
What medicines were that…you must have done a lot of work. .there are other surrounding organs that can hurt.
LG Sky 🌈
Antidepressants (Citalopram). Naja the pain comes from the liver area with nausea
Citalopram does not have such side effects.
I’m guessing there’s a stomach/intestinal influenza.
Thank you.
Autsch🙄Good improvement 🙏
LG Sky 🌈
I was in distress, liver inflammation
Haha 😁
Hakuna Matata 🖤 I will call God once 😉😅
OK your word in God’s ear 😬
It can be a duo.
If you could have mentioned anything but not a drama…this goes away again.
Well, I missed it twice yesterday, and then the drug to sleep…maybe that was a lot for the liver. I didn’t have that before
That sounds like Galle. Call 116117.
I called for something else yesterday, unfortunately not very helpful and unfriendly. But thank you
Then you should go to the doctor tomorrow, weekend.
Good improvement!!!
diagnosis of liver inflammation
The liver hardly hurts, can it also be the pancreas?
Yes, it can also be, it is at least the right-hand superstructure