Starke Herpes Infektion?
Guten Morgen,
ich bin heute mit einer stark geschwollenen Lippe aufgewacht und habe auch ein kleines Herpesbläschen entdeckt. Mein Immunsystem ist aufgrund einer kürzlichen Magen-Darm-Erkrankung noch geschwächt, weshalb sich die Entzündung stärker zeigt. Ich benutze eine Creme und habe die Stelle bereits gekühlt. Allerdings fällt mir das Sprechen etwas schwer, und ich arbeite in einem sozialen Beruf, in dem ich viel sprechen muss. Hat jemand Tipps oder Hausmittel, die den Tag erträglicher machen?
Hello Marie98486, 👋
against lips, mEn helps best:
👉HONIG! 🍯🍯🍯
Honey or Acyclovir at Herpes simplex?
An acyclovir cream is generally used for the treatment of herpes labialis and of genitalem herpes. In the study, 16 patients with recurrent herpes attacks (eight labial, eight genital) were treated alternately with honey or an acyclovir cream.
Surprisingly,Durationthe herpesepisode,Pain sensation, crust and healing time under treatment with honey, both in herpes labialis and in herpes genitalis, can be significantly more beneficial.
In three cases there was a complete remission of the recurrent herpes ulcer. No recurrences occurred under Acyclovir. Three patients developed a circumscribed itching under Acyclovir, while the administration of honey showed no undesirable effects.
The authors conclude that the local application of honey at Herpes labialis and genitalis is safe and effective with regard to management of symptoms and lesions.
Honey for herpes
Honey contains so-called antimicrobial substances, i.e. those which kill bacteria and viruses and can prevent their reproduction. As soon as the herpes, for example, noticeable on the lip, apply some honey to the affected area. Since honey also closes open places at Herpes, it reduces the spread of viruses and thus the risk of infection.
Manuka honey is particularly effectivebe. This honey comes mainly from New Zealand and comes from the flowers of the South Sea myrtle. The active substance responsible is methylglyoxal. Manuka honey is not approved as a prefabricated medicinal product, but available as a recipe in the pharmacy. In some cases, pharmacies, drugstores or specialty stores offer Manuka honey as food. Diseases/herpes/home-against-herpes/
LG 🙋🏻
Apply either aciclovir or melissa leaf extract from the apotheke
Pour soda on the herpes pickle, rinse the mouth with soda water (bake also).
Give me some honey.