Starke bauchschmerzen beim reindrücken?
ich (M/14) habe seit knapp 15 Minuten linke Oberbauchschmerzen, welche stark an schmerzen zunehmen und sich im ganzen Bauchraum verteilen wenn ich in den linken unterbauch rein drücke. Ich habe zudem so ein komisches Gefühl in der Brust, kp ob das damit was zutun hat.
Brauch ich mir Sorgen machen oder kann das was mit meiner Verdauung zutun haben? (Hab scharf und Laktose gegessen, ich vertrage beides nicht)
Es tut auch stark im linken unterbauch weh wenn ich rein drücke.
Ich weiß dass ihr als Laien nichts diagnostizieren könnt, aber zu wissen ob ich mir deswegen Sorgen machen sollte oder nicht wäre schon nett
(116117 will ich nicht anrufen weil ich keine Möglichkeit habe Zuhause ungestört zu telefonieren)
Meine Eltern wissen davon bescheid.
If these pains have arisen quickly and without a feeling of heat, these are quite normal bloating, which can also hurt. Easy movement, something running around should help to get rid of the pressing gases.
I would drive tomorrow if it doesn’t get better, please don’t push it because it could worsen or you have more pain. It can be that you have this stomach pain from eating because you don’t wear these things, or you just have constipation.
I’d just watch that it’s gonna be better but you don’t need to worry if it doesn’t get better, you’re going to be a doctor/not recording tomorrow.
Had exactly the same pain you described, the diagnosis was that I didn’t use lactose but drank whole milk cardboard on the day 1 . Don’t worry about it
If you don’t have this food, it can come from it. Maybe this link will help you to classify the whole thing.
If your parents know, you can call medical emergency. No one can know what you have here.
So I would call the emergency service, it could be a blind intestinal inflammation. I was like that, I was 14 years old.
It could also be a reaction to incompatibility. Or the questioner wasn’t in the bathroom for two days. From a distance, no one can know why he has the complaints. It can be a serious illness, but just as well as a harmosis.