Star Wars Squadron bei Steam aktivieren?
Hey ho, ich habe Star Wars Squadrons bereits bei Origin, hätte es aber gern in meiner Steam Bilbliothek.
Bzw, hätte ich gern, dass Steam “weiß”, dass ich das Siel schon besitze.
Verknüpft habe ich Steam und Origins bereits.
Ich hoffe ich habe es jetzt nicht allzu verquer erklärt xD
Is not possible Neither Origin nor Uplay nor Epic games can be transferred to Steam
You can insert a link in Steam at most just visually what
Above in the options there should be a rider with “Add strange game” and then you can search it out of your files in the computer.
Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly what the points are, but the function should always be:)
If I understood that,
You can’t transfer this game to Steam, that’s another version, but you can insert your game into the library…
hm ok pity, now I just have to find the game xD
Yes you can find out in the Origin
Man has just one link function not work like workshop, beta version, reviews, or downloading updates for this you have to start in Origin as well
Right, if you need these features, you have to buy the game again on Steam 😉