Ständiges aufstoßen Ursache?
Ich muss seit ca zwei Wochen ständig Aufstoßen (nur Luft). Woher könnte das kommen? Was kann man dagegen tun?
weitere Symptome: Blähbauch, Luft im Darm, gelegentlich Magenschmerzen und Bauchschmerzen , mehrmals Stuhl am Tag , vermehrte Bauchgeräusche
Would advise you to go first to the family doctor. This can have many causes from gastritis (magnephitis) to food intolerances. As a rule, it takes anyway until a cause is detected. That’s why you should go to the doctor if the world has not gone down yet.
Otherwise, I’d advise you to try if it’s going to be a bit better if you’re taking light-digestion food to you and for a while on alcohol/black coffee, and if it’s going to be, you’re going to despising pain tablets. Smoking can also favor stomach and intestinal problems.
Otherwise, there are various mediums like Iberogast, if that helps, you could try. There are also many different types of stomach and intestinal tea.
Good improvement.
The symthomes mentioned were raised by an internist. Laid answers to GF don’t help you here.