Ständigen oder ständigem?
Was ist richtig und wieso? Danke.
Wegen ständigen Lügen.
Wegen ständigem Lügen.
Was ist richtig und wieso? Danke.
Wegen ständigen Lügen.
Wegen ständigem Lügen.
Grüezi Mitenand, ich habe eine Frage zur deutschen Grammatik und zwar denkt ihr sie ist im allgemeinen rational oder irrational? Da gibt es sehr viel Interpretationsspielraum was rational jnd irrational da bedeutet und ich würde gerne wissen was ihr darüber denkt.
Hallo zusammen! Wie schreibt man den folgenden Satz richtig? “Hast Du Zeit, um auf unser Kind aufzupassen?” oder Hast Du Zeit, auf unser Kind aufzupassen?” Danke für Eure Hilfe!
Haben diese zwei Sätze die gleiche Bedeutung?: “Ich wasche mir die Haare.” und “Ich wasche meine Haare.” Kann man einfach “Ich wasche mir” statt “Ich wasche mich” sagen? Vielen Dank!
ich brauch es unbedingt weil meine Inhaltsangabe jetzt nicht so der birner war
Hey, ich schreibe übermorgen eine Deutscharbeit und kann fast alles, doch ich kapiere wann man aktiv und wann passiv benutz ? Könnte mir da jemand weiterhelfen. Danke (:
Nur der Weihnachtsmann kann Schlitten fliegen und Wünsche erfüllen. Nur der Weihnachtsmann kann Schlitten fliegen oder Wünsche erfüllen.
Here it is tricky because there are lies (nums) and lies (verb). However, “permanent” is a word that refers to something that you keep / all the time do. Therefore, the appropriate form is “due to constant lies”. (Yes, “due to constant lies” would be even more beautiful, obsolete but probably just).
But: frequent/diversa Lies would also be correct. Then the lies (history) would be meant and not the lies (count). Here, too, it would be more beautiful: “due to frequent/diversal lies”.
Because of + genitive is outdated?
I’d be new.
I hope it’s not quite that far yet, but it seems to be on the way to this, especially if only a nom comes, e.g. termination due to own needs(s)
Both variants can be correct, depending on the context. The difference lies in the declination of the adjective and the grammatical function of the word “Lügen”.
1. Because of constant lies
Right when “leighing” asPlural of Lie(Substantive) is understood.
Example: Because of constant lies of politicians, confidence was shaken.
This refers to ‘actual’Plural Substantive“Lügen”, which is why the adjectiveGenitiv Pluraldeclining:permanent.
Two. Because of constant lies
Right when “leighing” asverbalsubstantive(the lies, the action of lies) is understood.
Example: Because of constant lies, he lost his job.
This refers to ‘continuous’Substantive in the Singular(the lie), which is why the adjective inGenitiv Singular retrumdeclining:constant.
Because of + Dativ there is no
M-declination does not exist
Because of constant lies
Genitive (lt. Duden still recommended):
Because of constant lies
Dativ is interlocutory, but no longer quite wrong:
Because of constant lies
Because of constant lies.
That’s what I see.
Yes, the genitive always follows “because”.
The Dativ is his death
The Dativ is his death!😜
Well, in this case, both are right.
No, the first sentence is wrong (see other answers)
I don’t know.
Because of (his) constant lies……
Because of (his) constant lies….
Because of constant lies…
… he was excluded from the club.
I find all 3 variants in order.
According to Duden, you can say “because of lies”. Language is nothing 100% more
Well, that’s why Because of constant lies (dativ)
Due to constant lies…… >>> Due to constant lies
The genetic must be visible.