Ständig krank,was kann ich tun?


Ich bin seit einem halben Jahr ständig krank und meistens 1-2 Wochen komplett zuhause . Es fängt meistens wie eine Erkältung an (Kopfschmerzen,Nase läuft, Stimme geht weg,…) aber wird innerhalb von ein paar Tagen so schlimm (Muskel-/Gelenkschmerzen,Übelkei,…), dass ich komplett Flach liege.

Meine Frau und ich, sind jetzt Mitte 40 und unsere Kinder gehen noch in den Kindergarten, was wir als Grund für unsere ständigen Ausfälle ausmachen. Allerdings sind die anderen Eltern bei weitem nicht so oft krank wie wir/ich und mein Arbeitgeber ist langsam auch schon genervt! Ich war nie oft krank, aber jetzt nimmt das kein Ende mehr.

Ist das noch normal?

Was kann ich tun?

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7 months ago

Kindergarten is unfortunately an immense factor in this. I also have friends who, since they have children, have slept from an infect to the next.

You can talk to your doctor, let your blood values check for any deficiencies and, of course, follow the usual tips for strengthening the immune system: healthy and balanced feeding, daily movement in the fresh air, as much sleep as possible and as little stress as possible (I know the last two are very difficult to implement with children).

What other parents have or not, doesn’t matter. Infectiousness is partly genetically conditioned and it can only be influenced to a limited extent.

It’s understandable, but no matter what. It is important, of course, that you always log out in time and submit an AU in accordance with the company regulations.

7 months ago

Hi, I personally feel this not normal even though kindergarten. I highly recommend that you and your family support your / your immune system, as it goes simple and tasty, I can explain to you 🙂

We as a family are mostly topfit and healthy 😉

Good improvement to you!

7 months ago
Reply to  Hduff

I personally would supplement (we also make) and everything else you called, of course! A healthy immune system is not so fast to get small;-)

7 months ago

Well, from the kindergarten, you’re already drawing a lot of virtuosos with your home … But a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and also a lot of fresh air exercise strengthen the immune system