Ständig krank seit Impfung?

Hallo ihr lieben,

ich habe gemerkt, dass ich seit der Impfung alle paar Monate mir eine schlimme Grippe grundlos einfange. Davor hatte ich ein sehr starkes Immunsystem und nie Probleme bezüglich gehabt. Ich bereue es mich geimpft zu haben. Wisst ihr wann die Impfung raus aus dem Körper ist?? Ich mache mir echte Sorgen weil ich so penibel mit allem umgehe. Ich desinfizierte alles und traue mich nicht mal jemanden zu berühren der auch nur ausversehen in meiner Gegenwart hustet. Ich distanziere mich dann immer und halte Personen auf Abstand. Ich finde es schade und will mein altes Immunsystem zurück!

Ich bekomme auch aus meinem Umfeld ständig mit, wie Leute alle paar Monate krank werden, die vorher genau wie ich gesund waren. Ich finde es nicht mehr normal! Und mich regt es auf wie jeder diese Nebenwirkungen klein redet und so tut als ob impfgegner etwas schlimmes verbrochen hätten und dafür fertig gemacht werden sich nicht impfen zu lassen.

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2 years ago

I assume that you mean vaccination exactly THE vaccination, i.e. those against the voldemort virus (which, at least in the critical context, cannot be called out)

However, there are also not “the” vaccination, but there were several different approved vaccines. The vector vaccines (Astra and J&J) already had individual cases of neutropenia (a drop of white blood cells) under a few test subjects during the approval phase. In the mRNA vaccines Moderna and Biontech, this was not possible in extreme form, but also slight shifts in immune reactivity, which can also be explained by the fact that the immune system deals with the vaccine for a few weeks (a few days active, then passive) and not with other pathogens. That’s over.

Each vaccination temporarily weakens the immune system, as it has to deal with it for the first time, but this is a temporary effect for a maximum of weeks. After that, it is strengthened and with corresponding knowledge of a new pathogen (and in doubt it is possible to form antibodies again quickly in doubt for a lifetime, either by permanent antibodies or by a memory, – how well the latter works with virus fragments as with mRNA and vector, is still to be resolved, the first seems not even to work as well).

The other thing is that this right-wing hygienic sense (masks, if they ever contain pathogens – I know enough people who have been infected or never plugged in, and the percentage in the mask fraction is the same amount as in the non-mask fraction, all disinfecting…) the immune system with time has been asleep. There was no more to train. Therefore, it is really good to take one or other cold now, even if it is annoying to strengthen the immune system again.

You can support it with vitamin C plus zinc and vitamin D3. Vitamin D is scarcely important, unfortunately there are still many false information and it is presented as dangerous. The dose recommended according to DGE is extremely low in international comparison and according to scientific studies on vitamin D.

Vitamin D is actually a prohormone (i.e. a hormone precursor) that is formed via the skin when

  • The sun stands high enough (the shadow is shorter than yourself)
  • You are out in this time with as much free skin as possible and have not applied sunscreen (unfortunately not on the sun bench)
  • In other words, not in the winter and thanks to our “Nine-To-Five” work culture and hang on to long clothes “so that it looks serious” and sunscreen really is not as good as it is, and in winter not twice.

The blood concentration is measured in ng/ml and nmol/l, where ng/ml is the better unit, since 100 means as much as “100%=volume battery”. Over 100 will not be dangerous yet, but you should not get too much of it. As from 150, it would be chronically unpleasant, though not with permanent damage. Under 30, the acute risk of infects as well as the chronic risk of illness at the age of cancer or a neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. 40’s okay, 80’s great. At the end of winter, the German average citizen lands at just under 10! Not good!

Vitamin D can be used for the immune system (formation of the non-specific virus antibodies Cathalecidine and Defensine, which act like a small fire extinguisher, until the fire brigade, i.e. the actual immune system with the large extinguishing tube of the specific antibodies, hormonal regulation of the immune system for precisely the correct intrusion to avoid immune excess reactions, which can occur in certain viruses, but also allergies or autoimmune

The quantity to be supplemented is measured in international units (IE). The DGE recommends 800IE per day for adults, the same dose that prescribe paediatrics. Manufacturers are no longer allowed to write into the package leaflet, then in the 5,000IE preparations “1x a week”, well-knowing that smart people who know that “1x a day” is in the rest of the world will take more. International, i.e. in the rest of the world, is 20 to 80IE per kg body weight determined on a study basis. It is said that if you get a relatively high sun, nothing or closer to the 20, if you are able to form vitamin D during the day, in the suit in the office or generally in the Central European winter, the 80.

I ride on the subject because I think it’s very important, but also because I don’t think it’s impossible, but it’s highly unlikely that the vaccination shot your immune system. It is at most just somewhat weakened due to the overall circumstances (possibly a bit of vaccination, a bit of hygiene, maybe also something vitamin D deficiency)… So glow vitamin D in sufficient dose and take the germs calmly as they come so that you can train your immune system again. It may be annoying, but it is important. Later, everything is normal again.

2 years ago

Do you know when the vaccination is out of the body??

This is still completely unknown. As we have just learned, the earlier “conspiracy theory” with mRNA in breast milk has now become scientifically confirmed reality. Let us hope that the “conspiracy theory” about the long-term weakened immune system does not follow.

because I’m so penile with everything. I disinfected everything and don’t even dare to touch someone who coughs in my presence. I always distance myself and keep people apart.

With this behavior that belongs to mysophobia, you naturally weaken your own immune system. The same applies if you carry the mask outside of contact with real sufferers, for example when shopping, busing, etc.

I can’t find it normal anymore

I find above all the obscurity that has been used with the vaccine wave very worrying. Here, Cause Research would be extremely important and media would report the present sachlcih.

And it excites me how every one of these side effects talks small and pretends to have broken something bad

We can get my answers here and I’ve been upset about it since the start of the “vaccination action”.

2 years ago

I’m very doubtful you’ve got a bad flu every couple of weeks. A flu comes out with fever, limb pain, headache, etc., but you will be a gripp. Infect. You don’t get a flu every couple of weeks. You’re kind of confused.

And if you’re so upset, please don’t be surprised that you’re taking every germ…. even by constantly disinfecting you can get sick. Because: your body absorbs every germ, every bacteria.

Of course, you can get side effects after the Corona vaccination, but instead of doing so, you should tell your doctor.

My whole family is vaccinated several times, as is my whole friends and acquaintances, I included……no one has got any flu or anything else by vaccination.

2 years ago
Reply to  studiogirl

I see

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfe3456

Your opinion, your decision.

There are many others who have experienced the opposite.

2 years ago

Are you vaccinated more often? Vaccination damages the immune system. The more often you get vaccinated, the more likely to be infected with corona and other diseases.

It cannot be ruled out that the immune system is permanently damaged. This is already known from conventional vaccines. From school medicine it usually means nothing to do with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  bernjou

That’s my opinion.

2 years ago
Reply to  bernjou


2 years ago

The mRNA vaccine is mined within a few days, whether your infections are due to vaccination, you can only suspect.

2 years ago
Reply to  GrayWolf

But it’s possible…

2 years ago
Reply to  GrayWolf

mRNA vaccine is mined within a few days

That’s exactly what was recently restored. The mRNA of the “vaccination” was detected in breast milk. A year ago this was still considered as conspiracy theory now it is recognized.

2 years ago
Reply to  H2Onrw

Very small traces of the vaccine were detected in the breast milk, which is correct. However, only in the first 48 hours after vaccination, after which nothing could be found.

So this supports my statement that the vaccine is very quickly degraded.

2 years ago

villeicht is your immune system so weak because you distance yourself from everything… few viren and bacteria shouldn’t hurt and definitely harden you somehow

see children who also take everything in the mouth/play everywhere and build their immune system on 😌

2 years ago

The immune system also responds to mental stress.

You think you hurt yourself with the vaccination. This makes you unconsciously under stress that weakens your immune system. And you’ll scream at every virus and every bacterie here.

Relaxation exercises can help. And just don’t freak you out.

2 years ago

Links to Youtube Videos have been removed. Everything that corresponds to the truth is removed here.

So my good advice inoculation, inoculation, inoculation!!!! This supports GF 😀 Always inoculate and stay nice

2 years ago

Some bodies do not carry the vaccination so well. Passed. It’s normal. Let’s check your body.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfe3456

I’m so sorry, but it won’t change.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfe3456

I don’t know, but I saw this video before yesterday. (in 3 times vaccinated, Corona had, so not me)

2 years ago

Hey, first I want to tell you that it was good that you vaccinated. This allows you to reduce a serious course and you contribute a part to strengthening the herd immunity. It is not to regret at all.

More, your immune system has to work!
If you desinfect everything and distance yourself from any bacteria, your immune system no longer has work and reduces the production of defense cells.

I don’t think it has anything to do with vaccination. I can’t do a remote diagnosis, but I would recommend you to introduce yourself to your family doctor.


2 years ago

From the vaccine, after a few days, no more in your body after a week or two. Therefore, there are no consequences for vaccinations that occur only after years.

You probably won’t believe.

2 years ago
Reply to  adabei

As long as someone doesn’t get it, he won’t understand. Strange that my very good friend, healthy young man has developed 28 after 6 months of immune disease…

2 years ago
Reply to  adabei

From the vaccine, after a few days, no more in your body after a/two weeks,

That’s exactly what was recently restored. The mRNA of the “vaccination” was detected in breast milk. A year ago this was still considered as conspiracy theory now it is recognized.

2 years ago
Reply to  H2Onrw

Oh, that’s all.

You know, if there were more conspiracy theorists in 1935, maybe there wouldn’t be World War II. That’s the problem, follow the majority, and you go under…

Keep in mind. So people inoculate, inoculate and inoculate again. I’d say all seven days. Now I’m sure I’m a very good doctor.

2 years ago

You shouldn’t have vaccinated. more than going to the doctor you can’t do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfe3456

The vaccine hasn’t been in your body for a long time and of course it wasn’t.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfe3456

that no one knows, you’re the test object… in some things it’s good, in a few it’s in the pants. – It’s a huge experiment

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfe3456

The vaccine was degraded a few days after vaccination.

The flu has nothing to do with vaccination.

Many people confuse a temporal connection with a causal connection.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfe3456

It’ll be better someday. Check your vitamin D level.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hilfe3456


2 years ago

The vaccine itself is degraded, but the body has now built up antibodies against the virus.

2 years ago

It’s almost all right. Only in very few people there are problems. But that’s the case with every vaccination.

Nevertheless, vaccinations were and are a blessing for humanity.

2 years ago

Of course that’s not true. The vaccine has been degraded after days, no later than 1-2 weeks.

2 years ago

… a miracle that the question is still standing.

And a good clue not to be inoculated…

2 years ago
Reply to  Paulchenoo9

No good advice. Whether the sensitivities of the questioner have to do with vaccination is not proven and if it really should be, it is one of the few regrettable individual cases.

Overall, the vaccines are a blessing. Why do you think there are much less serious cases despite much more infections than in the early days of Corona?

We clearly owe that to vaccination.

I am 67 and was infected this year in July. Since I was vaccinated 4x, I didn’t worry for a second that I could get worse. The cough was not pleasant, but to bear and after a good week again.

All in my family and also my close friends are vaccinated. No one had any problems with vaccination.

Do not count these experiences for you?

2 years ago
Reply to  adabei

but as well as your experience counts, his also counts. So final question: should you let yourself be inoculated or not?

We don’t know! Depends on the body and vaccine.