Ständig angebliche Zustellversuche?
Unfassbar, heute schon das zweite mal. Es hat nicht einmal geklingelt. Jetzt steht da wieder, dass ein erneuter Versuch erfolgt. Und da wird bestimmt wieder dasselbe sein. Anrufen will ich nicht, da es Geld kostet.
You don’t have to be home and wait.
On the other hand, you’ll have to worry if you want to have it, just because there’s some money you don’t call… then it’s probably not that important and interesting.
Yes, but don’t consider paying for their incompetence.
It won’t leave you anything else in the end.
No place.
The package never arrives and is declared as delivered. The customer remains at the expense.
Too late
That’s what I’m doing for years, and that’s going to work perfectly here. Without ever having trouble
Book flat and nerve by phone.
At DPD, I had the same problems as the questioner. I’ve called for a “preliminary call.”
Half an hour later, it ringed with me and my package was in front of the door.
Doesn’t change anything that the questioner should take care of – because of the few cents I don’t want to call.
Yeah, I’ve heard that before, that it works well in the rural.
Probably, I live in the country and have no neighbors within 15 km
Then you’re lucky.
I know this in the area differently.
Just write the support?