Ständig 10.000 Euro in gerade im aufwärtstrend befindliche Aktien investieren und direkt 6-7 Tage später wieder verkaufen (Aktienhopping)?

Sinnvoll oder nicht?

Man kann an den Kurvenverläufen ja recht gut erkennen, welche Aktien gerade so täglich zum Beispiel +8/9% machen…natürlich machen sie das nicht lange sondern eher kurz, daher direkt schnell wieder verkaufen und in den nächsten Aufsteiger investieren.

Hat jemand damit gute Erfahrung gemacht?

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7 months ago

Doesn’t work, at least not for private investors. If, you need to make it anti-cyclical, not buy Aldi when they rise, but when they fall, without there is an economic reason. Then you have to hope for a reaction.

7 months ago

you can find a trend and keep it as long as it stops. So do I. Doubtual events such as one day are unfavourable because uncontrollable. Mostly you get too late and finance the sale of others. It should be more medium-term trends. Here is an example of recent, Nvidia:

It is known if one keeps the green trend sections, which can last for 2. 3 or more months. The red one. 8% per day does not exist. And it is best to have several positions in different shares. To make continuous profit.

Your approach is in principle correct in the upward trend This is the A and O. To do this, you have to define when it begins, how long it lasts and when it is finished. It is best to use unambiguous signals (green buy, red sell), so you can easily follow it. And as phases as up-to-date, where the courses once lubricate without major losses.

The “hopping” after fixed periods (6-7 days) prevents the generation of profits from ongoing trends. They can grow up enormously, which one has not known before. Therefore, it is always advisable not to go after fixed time intervals, which prevents profiting from it, but after what the chart says. So not what the head says, but what the chart says.

7 months ago

It is quite possible to recognize at the curves which shares make for example +8/9% just as daily

No, not really…

7 months ago
Reply to  TimWalz

Then please tell an example of a share that you are sure it will rise by8/9% tomorrow

7 months ago

Can work, but can also go completely into your pants. You already need extreme knowledge. Since you’re asking this question alone, that means you don’t have this expertise, and you’re certainly doing minus

7 months ago
Reply to  TimWalz

I’m not saying you have no idea of shares. I say you lack the necessary expertise to successfully run such risky games. And your way to comment here confirms that

7 months ago

Puh, you really have a fragile ego. Then, if you don’t give anything to the saying of the “flatpipes and nothing” anyway. Then why do you ask us? Just do it. I wish you good luck. Really.

7 months ago

Keep trying with a demo account, you know it soon.

7 months ago

Anyone who has constantly available € 10,000 can try this.

7 months ago
Reply to  TimWalz

Good luck.

7 months ago

Also in roulette can come 10 times in a row red, which is still not a guarantee that comes black at the 11th time.