Standardspruch bei TÜV prüfer?
Ich hab gestern mein praktische Führerscheinprüfung gehabt, leider nicht bestanden. Eine Minute vor Prüfungsende bin ich fast an Bordstein gefahren und der Fahrlehrer musste angreifen, also Prüfung vorbei 🤷♀️ansonsten bin ich gut gefahren
als wir dann auf TÜV Parkplatz kamen, hat der Prüfer mir gesagt, so und so , leider nicht bestanden
„ aber geben sie bitte nicht auf, versuchen sie noch einmal, und nach alles was ich heute gesehen habe, bin ich mir ziemlich sicher, dass es zweite Mal klappt“
ist es jetzt Standartspruch bei jede Fahrprüfer, muss er zu jedem das sagen, das die Prüflinge nicht Motivation verliert? Oder meint er das ernst?
There are no standards they have to say. As a rule, the examiners are honest with the examiners.
Well, if you did it by inattentiveness at the end, it was just the one thing. So he’ll have meant it seriously.
Not giving up is always good. You can do this! Generations of people before you have already done it.
Even my neighbour, who has financed the one or the other holiday with God, passed the examination 😀
I think TÜV examiners are just honest. If it was like you said, he obviously doesn’t lie:)
No, he’s serious. He was happy with you and you would have passed safe yesterday, but as soon as the instructor has to intervene, it was the last thing. Good luck next time and look like this: you know what’s waiting for you and you can do something different.
A truck tester has been computed for the test drive because of a drängler in a delicate situation, where even the tester was protected from the rider.
There was a tester at the TÜV, where even the driving schools were happy, which he could only do theoretical tests. The examiner looked like A——————————–