Stammmetzger will nicht mehr arbeiten, obwohl er erfolgreich sein Unternehmen führt. Was denkt ihr, warum er nicht mehr will?
seit ca. 6 Jahren gehe ich immer zu einem bestimmten Metzger, der sein Rentenalter noch lang nicht erreicht hat. Ich weiß zwar nicht wie alt er wirklich ist, aber ich glaube nicht dass er schon fast so alt ist, dass er in Rente könnte.
In letzter Zeit verändert er sich stark, und zwar so, dass ich das ganz klar ins Negative einstufe.
- Ich empfinde ihn grantig – und das, obwohl er meines Erachtens nicht immer so war.
- Hat immer gern und voller Erfolg seine Produkte verkauft und stand hinter seiner Qualität, und macht jetzt z. B. früher zu und es steckt jetzt für mich zumindest keine Leidenschaft mehr dahinter.
- War immer erfolgreich, es waren immer Kunden aus seiner Nähe oder aber auch von weiter weg da und kauften sogar groß ein.
Was veranlasst einen Menschen dazu, einfach alles hinzuschmeißen und Geld vom Arbeitsamt zu kassieren? Dies hat er nämlich auch schon angekündigt.
Er findet leider kein Personal (Metzgereiverkäufer etc.). Ich würde gern bei ihm arbeiten und mich hinter die Theke stellen, kann dies aber wegen Schwerbehinderung leider nicht. Daher stehe ich leider auch nicht auf der Liste seines potenziellen Personals, sonst hätte ich da sicher schon längst angefangen.
Was meint ihr, was mit dem Mann los sein könnte? Oder kann man ihm vielleicht irgendwie helfen? Ich weiß auch von nichts dass er irgendwie krank sein könnte oder so; der ist fit.
Dank euch schon mal; der Metzgereibetrieb würde nämlich schon sehr fehlen und ist eine Bereicherung für die Gegend und auch für weiter weg, weil die Sachen einfach immer super sind!
If you operate such a small business, don’t find any staff, so even every day you do the work for 2 and are still only able to build more hurdles for small businessmen. Because of the extreme cost increases, you have to make your products even more expensive than they are anyway, because good craftsmanship can hardly compete with cheap pigs from Lidl for financial reasons…. This probably makes even fewer customers come… I’m sure it’s not a sugar taste. The Golden Times for such businesses are over. You have to be inventive today to survive and have a good location. It costs strength and nerves. At some point you’re burned out.
And then is that a reason to fall?
Are you sure he’s doing the “same” in the sense of spontaneous and unconsidered? Do you know that it’s not something that has accumulated over years?
But then he can sell and then work there as an employee or something, and not immediately freely cash money from the state and do nix more. Then the quality would remain at least.
Maybe self-employment isn’t his thing. With self-sufficiency comes a lot of psychological stress, fear of existence and so on. Maybe he doesn’t.
How many years? He hasn’t even got his company for 10 years, and he’s got it.
If you don’t find personnel, it’s a reason to stop. Entrepreneurs have to push overtime for years and at some point the time has to come when you have more staff and can reduce your hours. Otherwise, you don’t stay through health.
But probably there are many factors coming together, also personal.
But how can it be that no one is applying?
Can it really happen that he gives advertisements on a well-known job portal, for example, and no one, not even someone you don’t give a job?
Not even one?
I know it at least from the gastronomy so that although there are applicants who are usually bad (unmotivated, incompetent, not trustworthy etc). And the number of trainees has fallen in recent decades. I can imagine that some companies get real difficulties.
I’m sorry I’m not coming here; I got some answers here, and I had to think about what I’m writing now.
There are also some unmotivated in div. Operations. I’m severely obstructed, so you get a lot more disgusting when the vision is lacking, you’re dependent on the voice and generally on help, and if there’s no desire to help you.
It doesn’t matter if in the grocery store, sometimes in other shops, or even on the phone if everyone just makes one on the 0-bock position (sorry) and nobody really wants to be there for one as a paying customer.
Self-employment means “self and constantly”.
If you’ve got your own company and maybe you’re still living on it, you’ll never really have a party.
I can imagine that he had doubts about his actions and is no longer behind it. Midlifecrisis, maybe? Personal problems…
Happiness and satisfaction are not only dependent on business success.
But why does he just turn on or at least announces it, and does not sell and can then be hired in his marriage. Operation?
Because. Zt. no one buys such a company, not even given yet. Once I add to it, knowing where I speak of, for 30 years of self-employment allow me to judge.
Because he might have “painted full”
But really you will only know when you ask Him and not strange people on the Internet who neither know Him nor His company. 😉 table
DE there the workers pay most taxes, on average over 20% and the millionaire tax is more than twice.
Result: Normal citizens pay 43 percent of taxes and social charges, while the millionaire pays just under 24 percent.13.01.2023
Taxes: Multimillionaires can control much below …
And these are the total loads to be carried, it looks the other way round.
The answer or my comment?
In the comment I agree, it is subjective and based on own experiences.
Your answer is in need of explanation.
You have to be so big that you can buy all the services and have a “sweetened” tax advisor who can count on everything.
What the least people want to understand is that you have to take such high surpluses in order to get into the area where you have to pay taxes – and when you have reached that, there is nothing left.
You can deduct from the tax…🤦 ♀️
Well, you’ll have to accept that as hard as you can.
I already did, he just says he doesn’t want to. As I said, I find it a shame that I cannot be active for him; I would also appreciate the familiar environment, but unfortunately cannot see. Of course, that’s flat.
The effort and benefits are no longer in good proportion, the price avalanche, has the main debt. The cause and effect are the trigger of this current malaise, and all the nearer circumstances have already been described.
Perhaps he has private problems or the cost-benefit calculation is no longer up for him because of economic conditions.
But we’re more or less friends, he can talk to me about it. And even in the case of private problems there is no solution, I know that myself.
That alone is for many already reason enough.
As a self-employed person, you also work outside the business hours and have little spare time, let alone vacation. Many come to their physical and psychological boundaries at some point and simply have no more shock. Completely understandable if you have to master everything alone and get no help.
But if he does his job offers e.g. on classifieds, you can see that. Isn’t it bewitched then why no one is applying? It can’t be that the whole city simply ignores this job offer and nobody reports, can it?
That can be very good. Many today do not want to work anymore, demand too much money or are not qualified enough.
Even this is no longer so easy, there are no prospects or they do not want to pay the price.
I had 2 self-employed in the family and both had to give up for these reasons, sad but true.
Sounds good, it’s worth a try, good luck.
Well, maybe ask him if that’s true. Thanks to you for the tip, I’ve got commercial training – maybe you can do something about it. Thanks for the tip.
Then help each other and maybe do something together.
Just because I’m pretending this “simple” I wrote this comment, right? You also think about something like all my other, also hard-disabled, acquaintances and friends who are also self-employed, not only for fun at Freud’, but also for them to have a job at all. You exchange and talk.
This isn’t as easy as you seem to imagine, you don’t say “self and constantly” for free, and that’s always associated with costs that you have to afford.
As an entrepreneur, I must also know that I can’t have given everything. No food, no other merchandise and no people working for me. I have to start something, sometimes for the reason that I can’t find a job because of my severe disability, although I just want to work. And of course I’ve been thinking about it.
Or the children at school are called “animal killers”. Teachers also spread such impunity, because they themselves avoid butcher shops, and many new fellow students ….
Or the burial bureaucracy.
Sure. And the useless statistics. Demotivated staff… .
What I know, he doesn’t have children, only a wife who doesn’t work with him, but in the office. She only helps sometimes.
Maybe he’s sick and wants to spend his precious time with life and not with the slaughter.
As I have written, I don’t know about any disease he has. He would always appreciate his entire product portfolio to a friend-friended client who always goes to him, but would say that.
No. Not necessarily. Men do a lot with themselves. And if he’s more grumpy than he used to, it’s a point.
That’s what’s left to everyone.
All right, I can’t read any thoughts. And whether man or woman – you can:
Frust over the increased prices, fewer customers because it has to forward the increase.
and he already deserves enough to sell and retire the butchers.
He always has enough customers because we all who shop there value his quality. All of them. The prices are clearly rising, but with the money from the state it is not so luxurious to live. He wants to make money from the state, not a pension.
Customers are too bad.
He’s not, I know. They’re always there people he even thinks they’re gonna meet in the tribal at night. And these people will certainly buy nix for 1 €, but more often, partly for larger barbecues, or also for a small stock that is either frozen or so you have something more for the weekend, or or or.
Yes, there are people who are too greedy, but unfortunately/luckily they are not all…
Depression drives you to act like this