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4 months ago

I have another number 54, or my daughter is driving it. I couldn’t restore the 3-speed chain. No matching, unused replacement gear rings. Then have a completely new wheelset, 3-speed again. The punch brake had to soften a side brake, which could also grip on the new aluminium rims. Later a front wheel with Nabendynamo was added. I donated beautiful, fat big Apple tires.

The wheel is thus on the stand of time, runs very well, but original are only frames, handlebars and protective plates.

I got the old bike in the 90s. Today, thanks to the internet it is easier to get special spare parts.

4 months ago

Clean it up. Then realistically estimate the current state. And then either do the few necessary repairs or get rid of the thing immediately.

Original spare parts will hardly be available, nor were the measurements at various places of the bike then much less standardized than today. So using some modern spare parts could be a thing of impossibility.