Staatliche oder private Universität für ein Jura-Studium?
ich plane, Jura zu studieren und werde voraussichtlich mein Abitur dieses Jahr mit einem Schnitt von 1,1 abschließen. Ist es sinnvoll, an einer privaten Universität Jura zu studieren? Haben private Universitäten einen besseren Ruf, insbesondere wenn es um den Notendurchschnitt der Studenten geht? Ich wäre dankbar für euren Rat. Danke!
Studying law at a private university should be useful if you actually see offers or support for you at the respective university, which is not available at state universities. This is more an individual thing, there are enough good state universities. In the case of a comparable grade, it is unlikely to play a role as to whether it was achieved at a state or private university. At best if the personnel officers personally prefer one or the other – but this should be rather randomly distributed. And today you hardly know where to work in many years.
Therefore, the universities in question are best to look at themselves and consider where city, university and the study offer are best to offer in law – regardless of the question private vs. state.