SSD super langsam?
Ich habe mir letztens eine neue Tragbare SSD gekauft. Jetzt wollte ich Sachen drauf übertragen bzw. downloaden aber es geht quasi nicht. Ein einziges 30 Sekunden Video braucht eine Stunde zum übertragen. Wenn ich etwas herunterladen will bei 100mb/s, werden aber nur 100kb/s geschrieben, das heißt es dauert unglaublich lange.
From your question, it is not to read out whether the speed of the server, the connection or actually the SSD is the cause. How is the plate connected and what comes out in a serious test (e.g. seq. write/ read with crystaldiskmark)?
I sent the record back.
I did the test and it was above average slow.
(Is an external hard drive with USB-C)
that has nothing to do with the ssd but your internet connection. depends on which package you have taken from your internet provider
I tried something without the internet and it was still very slow (50x slower than my old HDD)
defragmentation possible
Complain and try again.
I have now
And works.
I bought a new one from Samsung, works great, but was a bit more expensive