SSD für Spiele: 1 TB oder lieber 2 TB?
Ich überlege, mir eine neue SSD zuzulegen. Ich habe an die Samsung 870 EVO SATA III gedacht. Ich weiß jetzt nur nicht, ob ich diese in der 1 TB- oder 2 TB-Ausführung nehmen soll. Ich habe momentan eine 4 TB HDD verbaut, wovon 1,7 TB belegt sind. Dort sind all meine Spiele drauf, von denen ich aber nicht einmal die Hälfte aktiv spiele. Von daher wollte ich euch mal fragen, welche Variante ihr bei dieser Situation nehmen würdet.
See if your motherboard is a slot for an M2 hard drive.
The prices for storage are currently on the ground, as it is worth going to 2 TB.
What does this look like? Just know me with the normal
if your PC isn’t older than 5 years old, the connection should be on the motherboard
I mean yes. I have the Z97M-plus model of Asus. M.2 Support stands above
they are much faster because they are directly connected.
Are the NVM SSD much better than the normal?
M.2-SSDs with 2TB are already 100€. The prices are in the fall. And the 870 EVO is definitely not one of the cheaper.
I’d definitely take a 2TB. Since individual games already have 400 gb. Depends on what you play.
But 2TB sond yes meanwhile also affordable and often in sale.
and have better than need 🙂
Thank you for your answer. The problem with me is that I’m almost 15 and don’t earn your own money yet. I don’t get pocket money either. I have about 300€ of which I want to buy other things right now. Therefore, I have to decide because the two 60€ differed. Maybe I should’ve put a question…
Then I guess the 1 TB must be enough and you can only install what you’re currently playing.
Or you only install the games on the SSD that need fast charging times. Leave the rest on the HDD.
Would join Topsictop.
Today’s games are usually very large, for example Warzone had a long time over 200.
There’s 1TB very quick.
And as Topsictop has already said, memory is not particularly expensive nowadays.
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