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2 years ago


You seem to have forgotten the picture.

But I can still answer the question: As long as you have kept the package leaf and the second line has appeared below the specified time limit, the test is positive. Even if the second line is only easy to see. Then the HCG value is still very weak, but it is present.

Next step would be an appointment with the female doctor.

Best regards


2 years ago
Reply to  Bejaa22

I don’t see a second line.

2 years ago

How long have you been overdue?

For almost all photos of supposedly “positive” Tests and questions about “weak lines” I wonder why the questioners assume that the test manufacturers want to trigger a big riddle rate…

A test carried out correctly and at the right time and read out is positive when a second thick, bold, colored line (or a plus) appears in the result field.

If a weak test line appears within the reading period, it may be a pregnancy at a very early stage – e.g. before the period remains.

If such a weak line appears later, it is not a pregnancy, but rather a “evaporation line”. Then this “result” is invalid.

If you look at the test with argus eyes from all sides, you can see the basis of the test field. However, this is not a reaction with the enzymes present thereon, then a clear discoloration would be evident.

Repeat a test in a few days with morning urine.

Happy for you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Bejaa22

It’s negative.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bejaa22

White flowers. Where do you see a second line? 😅

2 years ago

Nee nee, if it were positive, one would see a line here as well. Especially when you’re over a week.