Srachaustausch nach Spanien?

Hi, für wie logisch haltet ihr es, dass ich auf eine Sprachreise nach Spanien gehe (bin 10.Klasse) obwohl ich in spanisch auf einer 4 stehe. Ich kann schon reden und verstehen, aber halt nicht die Zeiten und so.

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2 years ago


Well, what do you mean here logically/unlogically – if you have the opportunity/resources for learning the language and can imagine a stay there; why not? Language travels are usually there to improve your own language skills, as nobody expects you to master the language.

I have friends who went to English-speaking countries (e.g. Australia, USA) for a longer period of time after Abi, although their English knowledge was not really intoxicating; when they came back, they were right, really good. This is the purpose and purpose of this.


2 years ago

It doesn’t matter. In the country you learn it. And if not, it doesn’t matter. It is only important to make it understandable. If it’s not perfect, it’s not so important.

2 years ago

Hi! I would always recommend to perceive such a possibility. You not only have a good time, you collect experiences and memories and at the same time improve your language skills. I was in the USA with EF for a few weeks and could also apply my language skills there was a great experience.

2 years ago

If you have the option, do it absolutely!!! Last year, my language trip was an incredible highlight and a very beautiful memory, so in principle I advise anyone who thinks about it. You don’t have to be able to Spanish perfectly, so you could save your language trip, but she’s here to learn something. Languages are also learned by speaking and nowhere is it better than in the country itself.

2 years ago

Do it definitely! It’s great fun, you take a lot of it and pick up your resume. I can only recommend to everyone to make as many foreign experiences as possible.

Your notes aren’t that bad either. A language trip is not so long and you can stay well over the water if you can get the basics. And you’re making the language journey to learn the language.

2 years ago

That’s exactly what the purpose is: learning the language.