Spurstange Schraube locker?
Servus beide Schrauben waren beidseitig (innen) bei der Spurstange locker.
Deshalb hatten beide Spurstangen etwas spiel.
Der vom Öamtc hat sie festgezogen und fertig.
Aber wie kommt so etwas? Warum werden die locker? Kann es an einem defekt liegen?
Opel Astra GCC X16SZR 1998
Through movement, vibrations etc., each screw loosens over time.
I think by moving over a long time these screws loosen
had you had a repair recently? by yourself hardly any screws loosen
were exchanged and achsmancettes no idea if it had anything to do with it
Guess that was the reason, there must be some solution
Achsmanschette – Wikipedia
Of course, screws can be released by vibration.
No, the steering gear has nothing to do with it.