Spurhalteassistent zum Unfallzeitpunkt nachweisbar?
Hallo ganz kurz: Ich hatte einen Autounfall. Als beweis wäre es wichtig einen Nachweis darüber zu haben ob der Spurhalteassisten an war beim Unfallzeitpunkt. Meine Werkstatt konnte mir da nicht weiterhelfen. Kennt sich jemand aus und weis ob sowas geht? (es handelt sich um ein 2013 Bj Audi A6.
Even if he was on, he can be overtaxed by you, so it doesn’t prove anything.
But to answer your question: the accident data recorder was not allowed in Europe at the time and that is why this record does not take place in the C7.
I wonder how a possibly readable tracking assistant can help in an accident.
Well, I’m being accused of coming out of my lead and since it’s just statement against testimony I’m trying to present evidence
Even if it was turned on, you are still responsible for yourself. It doesn’t help you.
What does your lawyer say?
Okay, so you want to argue that the accusation is not durable because your tracking assistant has prevented it? You won’t succeed. For this purpose, the automatic control would have to be recorded in conjunction with a GPS signal. And that doesn’t even make Tesla