spüre nix von Elvanse (LysD-Amphe)?

Habe vor rund 2-3 Stunden 180mg (3x 60mg) auf einmal genommen und spüre nichts. woran liegt das? Toleranz?

Brauche keine Antworten wie “man sollte sowieso kein amphe nehmen bla bla”


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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

What does it look like?

Can it be that these are retarded tablets which do not release the active ingredient at once but for a long time?

Otherwise you should be happy. 180 mg seems to be an absurdly high dose.

You can find many general information about the usual effects and side effects as well as the known risks associated with consumption here: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Elvanse

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  speedigonzales

Please contact experts with excessive side effects.

2 years ago

So I also take Elvanse and that you hardly feel anything in the crowd is really strange… that with the dizziness is not good (I don’t value what you do, I’m referring to your health). May I ask how it went?

Have you had other experiences with “right” drugs? Be the only explanation for me that you’re used to much stronger stuff and that’s why you don’t feel it. But that’s just a guess

2 years ago
Reply to  speedigonzales

Speak with your psychiatrist, obviously the nocu is not the right thing