Do you prefer to wash your thermos cup by hand or in the dishwasher?
I once heard that they break down faster in the dishwasher. How do you deal with that?
I once heard that they break down faster in the dishwasher. How do you deal with that?
Hello, we are a family of five plus two dogs. We're looking for a detergent with the above-mentioned "properties." I've already thought about Haka, Amway or Ecover. Does anyone have experience with this? Or any other tips? It shouldn't have too strong fragrances. My husband is very sensitive to them.
Do the fragrance essences mix so that in the end you smell more stinky than good?
Are there any statistics or estimates on this?
I have a pillow in my bed that is about 1m long and cannot be folded up. This pillow has been vomited on and unfortunately cannot be put in the washing machine. The smell just won't go away Is there any other way to wash it or is the pillow now trash? The same goes…
Do you use the same razor for your beard and your pubic area or not?
Is it normal that I have to clean the same things every day with my mother because I hear from others that they only have to clean once and leave it like that for 2 days
Bei mir kommen die in den Geschirrspüler, alles andere ist mir auf Dauer zu unhygienisch (und unpraktisch). Ich nehme sie dafür aber soweit es geht auseinander. Bei billigen geht das nicht, die taugen dann aber auch nichts. Zur Haltbarkeit: Mein ältester ist mindestens 15 Jahre alt. Billige (geschenkte) komplett aus Plastik haben nicht lange gehalten.
Ich spüle alles mit der Hand.
Mit der hand, ich habe keinen Geschirrspüler.