Sprüche gegen euren Beruf?
Welche Dummen Sprüche Durftet ihr euch schon anhören und welche stören euch?
Ich höre zum Beispiel oft nur „Wände Streichen kann jeder dafür brauche ich keine Ausbildung“ oder „Bunte Farben an die wand malen kann ich auch so“
Wo ich nur Denke das ist nicht das einzigste was ich mache unter anderen auch Tapezieren,Grundieren,Spachteln,Lackieren Usw.
(Maler & Lackierer)
Oder eine Freundin von mir hört auch immer „Och muss das schön sein den ganzen Tag NUR mit Kindern zu spielen und dafür bezahlt werden“
Welche Sprüche durftet ihr schon hören und als Was arbeitet ihr?
Bin Software Developer. As an office man see a people who work more physically hard sometimes than armchair pups and think that the profession cannot be exhausting and demanding. At the end, however, is just another kind of stress and stress.
Nowadays, many people think that all the fantastic conditions are, if necessary, a little bit of videos on YouTube from people who work on Google or something in the Silicon Valley.
While this here in a small company rather means no home office, 45-50 hours a week, readiness and even a few days in a row of nights are ringed out of bed, 10 weeks a year at the customer outside and in hot project phases and also sometimes Crunch incl. All-nights.
I’m an industrial man, so I work in the office.
Must listen to me often, I do nix all day and drink only coffee (igitt). We have many foreign clients and I often need to communicate in English or Spanish, which is also exhausting.
Sure, you don’t break up physically. But I often have back pain, the eyes burn from the constant PC and mentally it is also demanding.
If I’m stupid, I’ll tell you what’s going on.
There are many teachers:
– Fauler Sack (Ex-Kanzler Schröder)
https://www.stuttgarter-message.de/content.werbecamp-in-stuttgart-realschullehrer-entsatz-ueber-skandaloese-lehrer ads.96f9f8b3-28ac-4c81-b7d5-f877f6ef3dea.html
There are many more I’ve heard… standing over, many people don’t know what I’m standing in the classroom except in the morning…
I’m a lawyer in a prosecutor’s office. Speak, office job and official.
I work out the A**** every day, I have so many overtime I have all my days of vacation because I have to get the overtime away. And yet I am for most people who only drink coffee all day (I don’t even drink) and has nothing to do. I’m very angry. Of course, the profession is nothing. But mentally, I’m totally mud every afternoon.
My ma works in the civilsenate at the OLG and reports similar.
The only thing I get to hear is “that’s really interesting what you’re doing, cool…. what are you doing? ”
Or even very popular: yes I put orthosises here “so yes you mean bandages” 😭😭
Foreign asses* wipe off …
I’ve been a nurse for over 33 years.
Bad. Until those themselves lie in the KH🤬
I’m an engineer.
😊And so you are automatically against it?ðŸ ̃‰
No way. I just answered both parts of the question. Where we are on the topic: Consider my approach as a typical engineer. I know enough jokes about engineers.
We say…the engineer is nix to swear
There are such sayings about every profession.
The people who say that to you can often not even keep the brush around properly in the comfort of your life:-))))
“For all day animals are not a job. It’s not exhausted.”
“You’re like Tamme Hanken.”
“That’s not a profession.”
Now I’m jealous. 😃
Nice job.
That’s him. Thank you.
That wouldn’t be mine. I don’t like the office work that comes to my jobs. 🙈 Do more than just what’s up, but luckily everything I do is connected to animals.
Yeah, it’s a dream job. What are you doing?
Because you work with animals.