Springseil springen zum abnehmen?

Hey Leute, ich habe mir vor kurzem einen Speedrope mit zähler gekauft, weil ich abnehmen möchte.

Es soll wohl helfen wenn man früh morgens nach dem Aufstehen auf leerem Magen Springt, doch dazu hatte ich heute früh keine Zeit, deswegen will ich es jetzt machen. Wie lang oder wie viele sprünge sollte ich machen?

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9 months ago

In my childhood at home, I often jumped ropes. It was about fun, not about taking off or something. I also counted the jumps, there were often about the 100 jumps. Jump rope if you have time and pleasure, without any requirements. I recently learned that rope jumping should be better than jogging.

9 months ago

I’ve never counted. However, having looked at the clock some time early in the morning, and having jumped a single minute on the piece is a challenge that contributed a lot to my charity fitness. It also hurts Nix to do it several times a day.

9 months ago

Among other things, we used to make this warm up during sports. I think 10 to 15 minutes are all right. Then you’re warm and have consumed a few calories.

9 months ago

Every sport helps to lose weight. It’s just about burning calories.

9 months ago

You don’t have to do that on a sober stomach in the morning. You’re not really fit.

Movement and sport always help decrease if d8e calories match.