Springmesser-Kamm beim Fliegen?

Ich fliege in 2 Wochen von der Schule aus nach Spanien und möchte dabei meinen Kamm mitnehmen (dieser sieht aus wie ein Springmesser). Weil ich bei der Sicherheitskontrolle keine Schwierigkeiten machen möchte, würde ich gerne im Vorraus wissen ob ich so einen dabei haben darf. Unten ist noch ein Bild zu sehen, wie der Kamm aussieht.

Ich danke euch für eure Antworten🙌

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5 years ago

Prohibitions in hand luggage. Can even be considered as a pre-deception of a crime. It depends on colleagues and the federal police. So leave the part at home.

5 years ago

Just put him in the task baggage, hand luggage is not a good idea with such a nem part

5 years ago
  1. What advantage does such a comb have in relation to an entirely “normal”?
  2. Who needs that part? Because a knife is forbidden in the way, you have to have this comb? To make you feel bigger or serve as a penis replacement?
  3. It is not forbidden to take a very normal comb from the drugstore market, just as other people do.
  4. But this fetish has to go, put it in the task baggage.
5 years ago

Put that in the baggage, then there’s no problem…

5 years ago

I’d use a conventional comb. You could get trouble and never know what consequences this might have, and the waste of time would be