Springerstiefel/ranger Boots in Rom?
Hallo, ich bin in der nächsten Woche in Rom und möchte mir dort ein paar Springer Stiefel bzw Ranger Boots holen, da es in meiner Nähe keinen Laden gibt und bestellen finde ich doof. Gibt es einen Laden in Rom in dem man sowas kaufen kann außer dr Martens Store?
LG und Schonmal Dankeschön für antworten
You can do that, but why should you do that, where in Rome the same brand products are usually twice or three times as expensive as in the store in Germany?
This isn’t the problem from the money, but I don’t have the chance to go anywhere because there’s something in my town and find it better to try a shoe than order 3 pairs to find the right one.
Well, this is my preferred address:
Militalia Roma Store
Via Leone IV, 117, 00192 Roma RM, Italy
and would you have a store in your head where you can buy something like that?