Spreewaldgurken in Berlin. Wo?
Hallo zusammen, ich bin grad in Berlin (schöneberg) und will Spreewaldgurken. Zum Supermarkt natürlich nicht, dass wäre wie wenn man nach Frankreich fährt und das Baguette beim Lidl kauft. Drum die Frage ist folgende:
Kann man sowas irgendwo kaufen, gibt es märkte wo man das kann, stände? und wo sind die? Ich weiß vor 5 Jahren war ich ca in Berlin und da hattens an Stand im Zoo, ausm holztopf raus die dicken dinger, allerdings will ich eher ungern nur deswegen in den Zoo lol.
Und die richtigen Kategorien zu finden wird jetzt auch super, (,:
The wood bug at the market stands is only decoration, which are guaranteed to be stored in food stalls plastic containers, canned or in large one-piece glasses.
All marketing.
anyway the eye eats with and if you don’t look at everything pessimistically eats much better. Apart from that, the sometimes the best (the Polish are still better nh, come also in plastic) I have ever had, far better than anything from the super market of the flow band
Of course you will find Spreewaldgurken in the berlin supermarkets, in the glass.
I find it in Bavaria
Go to the Delicate!
Hohenzollerplatz? The close and good? Is the only thing I could find and thank you once again (:
You have to look at weekly markets, as such products are often offered.
Is there good? I am here exactly this week and then still professional, so unfortunately my selection has to limit what I can look at.
You can go to any of these markets that all have a similar offer.
thank you (: