Sportverletzung/ Bruch?
Ich hatte gestern Volleyballtraining und genau am Ende, tat aufeinmal mein Daumen sehr weh und war auch leicht angeschwollen, ich konnte ihn dann etwa für 10 Minuten nicht mehr bewegen.
Nach den 10 Minuten, konnte ich ihn wieder ohne Probleme bewegen.Nur beim berühren oder starker Bewegung, tut es sehr weh. Jetzt ungefähr 18 Stunden später, wird die Stelle immer dunkler, ich frage mich nun ob ein besuch beim Arzt von Nöten wäre.
would it have been going to show to the family doctor whether he is “only” or even broken
That’s pretty red for a dipping. I’d try to get the doctor.
From the doctor with you
I already had several injuries that looked similar and when I was with the doctor, he couldn’t do much, except smash a ointment and kill a bandage. The swelling is around the joint, so that something like a capsule crack should come into question rather than a break.
I I the injury, would I so don’t go to the doctor.
But of course you are always on the safe side when you go to the doctor. Finally, I’m not a doctor and can theoretically misjudge the injury.
If you need an attest or something, you have to go there.
ah at once, you have already written that you wrote volleyball. Smelled away… as long as you can move it is not broken.
Apropo Ball Prellen is done with the streams under the thumb.
what are you writing? xD
I’m not here for ego petting FS is your own fault if you don’t control the Prell technique, Kotz Volleyball Mega and knows how to do Prellen.
At once, I wrote because of it, as there was severe pain at the end of the training without the ball touching me there
you do not notice that you are in volleyball club or it is more often practising.
Right, I just played it with friends in advance and the training was only the 4 in my life
How are you gonna be prawning? That can always happen at volleyball. What’s the matter with you?
Going to Doc is not a bad idea