Sporttest der Bundespolizei?
ich bin 16Jahre alt, 1,59m groß und wiege ca 79Kg
ich habe mich für die Bundespolizei beworben und habe in ca 40Tagen meinen Sporttest. Ich bin nicht besonders sportlich deswegen bleiben mir nurnoch diese 40Tage um mich auf den Test vorzubereiten.
Ich schaffe ca 1,4Km in 12min
Beim Sprinten konnte ich nur ungefähr die abstände abschätzen aber ich hatte da auch ca 13sec
Ich muss mindestens 1,9km/12min schaffen und den rest auch noch verbessern. Denkt ihr es ist realistisch es auf das neavo vom Sporttest zu schaffen in den nächsten 40Tagen??.
Ich habe bereits seid einer woche angefangen mit Sprints und Ausdauertraining. Bei den Sprints sieht man bereits verbesserungen, bei meinen 12min läufen noch nicht unbedingt außer das es mir das letzte mal ein bisschen leichter gefallen ist.
And if you can do it, it’ll only show the time. You’ve just got to start training late and that’s gonna turn out. Maybe it can be something, maybe it won’t.
I don’t think there’s a real guarantee, it depends on how fast your body can train up and something unfortunately needs time somewhere and doesn’t go overnight.
However, also note that your BMI is significantly outside the limits provided by the police, as far as I know, in terms of weight and size, if this information is from 79 kilos to 1.59m.
I know I’ve always been to the police here for the last few years and months but I’ve never trained for it, I regret it so much but it’s a childhood dream of me and it’s just great if I get a promise because I can start training right after school
That would be great, but you need to see what’s going on. Your body isn’t used to training and if you’re trying it now, you’re risking injuries.
When you pull one like this during the training, you can bend the thing, because then your body needs rest and time to get back on your feet.
Watch your body and its signals. If it doesn’t go, wait for a year and prepare yourself in the good, instead of trying somehow to get on with the pain.
I know I’ve always been to the police here for the last few years and months but I’ve never trained for it, I regret it so much, but it’s a childhood dream of me and it’s just great if I get a promise because I can start training right after school. I don’t have the police medical examination directly at my sports test day so I still have a little time to get to my 70Kg, which I don’t think is the hardest part because I’ve already taken about 7Kg, which is now the sport test
I thank you for your tips, I’ve already been wearing strength training in the gym and so don’t have much stamina 🙂
It only helps train, train and train. The preparation for the Police Sports Test should be intensive and structured to achieve the required minimum services. Here are helpful tips:
40 days is a lot too little. And you should definitely take care of your weight, speak from your own experience, as the Bpol doctor does not touch an eye. I’m currently in middle-service training.
I know about my weight but I’m already at 78, my weight is not my biggest problem right now. I must somehow pass this sport test:(
If you need tips or similar, there is also the dms was also in your same situation. Was also quite overweight at eav 🙂
I’m private. Was above the border area but could still decrease in time. Can you tell yourself more privately 🙂 here not everyone has to get everything in the comment column
What do you mean the dms? Were you still in the border area for the BMI or how were you accepted despite overweight? How do you find the training so far? Must be really cool and exhausting:)