Spitze Brüste/ Brustwarzenhof, was tun?
Hallo, Ich bin weiblich und 14 Jahre alt. Mir ist schon immer aufgefallen, dass meine Brüste “anderst” aussehen als die von anderen. Meine Brust ist spitz, aber nicht die Brust selber, sonderen eher der Brustwarzenhof (das was um die Brustwarze herum ist) Es ist sehr nach außen gewölbt/spitz. Aber wenn es stimuliert ist, ist es “normal” glatt. Ich habe recht kleine Brüste, aber auch eigendlich Runde, wenn die Brustwarze nicht wäre. Sie runniert einfach alles und es sieht extrem komisch aus. Ich kenne niemanden, der das problem auch hat und habe auch rein garnichts dazu im internett gefunden. Wäre echt lieb, wenn jemand mir sagen könnte was das ist, warum es ist und ob/wie man etwas dagegen machen kann. Oder generelle Tipps. Danke für antworten im vorraus
Hi dear Klara 🙂
I can understand your concerns well. But what can certainly give you hope is that you are still in the middle of puberty with 14 years. In the next two to three years, you can still physically change a lot. In some, the breast begins to grow at 9 or 10 years and with others only 14 or 15 years. Both are normal. It often also depends on the genes of the mother or grandmother. But also the body size and body weight can play an important role. In the same way, of course, there can also be a development disorder. But if this is the case, only a doctor can notice.
Each girl (and also every boy) develops slightly differently in time. You may be just a little later and may be one of the classic “smokers”, which is not really bad now. How strong your breasts will develop, of course, is difficult to say by remote diagnosis. Also the shape of your breasts (and also the nipples) will probably still change a bit and will not always remain as sharp as they are currently.
But I would recommend that you take the J1 examination with your pediatrician or pediatrician. At the age of 14, you will definitely have the right to participate. This would perhaps be ideal to have your level of development checked once for safety reasons. A doctor would then be able to tell you if everything has developed normally or not.
But generally have some patience with your body. It can still change and grow a lot with you. For example, when I was 14 years old, I got a little “cube”. So you can definitely make some hope. You can’t take your fellow students as a benchmark. After all, you can’t do anything about your body developing differently than others.
But it’s definitely not what you’re writing, even if you think it’s ugly or not normal. But believe me, it is definitely normal, because each breast is unique in its own way, even your <3
I hope I’ll help you a little with my answer. If you have any questions or need help, you can also contact me personally at any time 🙂
That’s quite normal, it can be that it stays like that, but it can still change, it seems that it will change, you’re only 14
It is in the things of nature that the breasts in the course of life develop differently with each woman also with you. It can’t be changed.
You’re still in puberty at 14 years. So you and your breasts are still growing.
In the next few years your breast will change into one or other shape.
You have to live like many other girls in your age.
Only at the age of 21 you could think about an operating alternative…
This is quite normal in growth.
Here at the Tanner stages, one can clearly see that it moves forward in certain phases. At the end of the development, the brood or the nipple court looks ‘normal’.
If you have underweight or are quite thin, it helps to increase a little so that the breast can build up enough fat cushion to make the breast pleasing.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
I have a normal body, so not particularly thin. With me it looks just like B4, so should it go away again? And thanks for the answer
Yes it will go away again
This is also called “puffy nipples” in English and there are obviously very many men standing there and even looking for them.
So if you’re primarily concerned about whether you still have chances of getting a man down – don’t worry.
Otherwise it can still grow or not. You can’t do anything like that, except maybe later.
Greetings from Andrea from Dortmund (Piercerin & Bodymodderin since 1989)
Mine also look very funny, but they have also begun to grow.
I had a girl in the class, who had very sharp breasts at first. Later the breasts were very elegant.
Breasts are in every size and in JEDER shape. And the nipples too. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re old enough, you can let them operate if it still bothers you. who they grew up still look like that.
You can’t change anything by then. You haven’t grown yet.
Krass here recommend a breast Op.😶
Apparently the only possibility
Oh, what do you always cry about this. Until it is full-year past few years and if it is really unhappy, an operation is not wrong.
It’s not like I’m still mentioning that it’s completely normal. But you just see what you want to see.
But an op is really expensive and can only be made from 18 years old, then studying and earning enough money. Until then I’m 20-30 and I can’t have a boyfriend or something until then.
And what do you think? Look at the men’s chest shape or what?
You have to learn to get clear and take yourself as you are. Because you can’t change anything until then. Maybe it comes from itself, maybe not.
Men know there are many breast types. So if your friend doesn’t want you, he’s childish and not right.
As I said, you have no idea about real men.
What then? Only character? You’re gonna have to cut yourself off.
You don’t necessarily need a friend of this age. You are children/teenies, there’s nothing serious about it anyway. Now you have no idea what you’re talking about and the boys aren’t. Right men don’t look at it! Look at men, you don’t know.
Don’t have a boyfriend because it’s pointless if I don’t have any sex/will and he’s closing again. And yes men just look at the look, I wouldn’t find it actractive/ugly either.
Could it be you? Slip warnings have you?
This could be a problem when breastfeeding babies.But to prevent this, there are so small hats to fix the problem.
No, I didn’t, but thank you
Breasts are as different as any person is different. Wouldn’t be boring if everything looks the same.
I’d like to have a friend, too, and you know
Most men I know wouldn’t interfere with such little mackerel of the breast.
I knew several women in mine who had this little nomalia and had found men without problems.
I see. But also guys are not 100% perfectly constructed.
It can still change when your breasts grow bigger
You can’t do anything against the breast shape, but at your age, it grows and changes.
I CAN’T just wait anything you have to do
No. I just wrote that you can’t do anything.
You are still young, wait off.🙂