Spinat am Gründonnerstag?
Hi Leute 👋, habt ihr heute auch Spinat gegessen? 😇
Hi Leute 👋, habt ihr heute auch Spinat gegessen? 😇
Welche Trauben mögt ihr lieber? Die Roten oder die Grünen?
For example root beer or ginger beer.
ich rede nur von fleisch und fisch .. .wenn man aber trotzdem milchprodukte und eier isst
Ich denke z.B. dass es am ehesten ein finanzieller Grund ist, da vegane Produkte oft teurer sind.
No, I didn’t have an appetite for spinach, there were pellet spices with herbal cucumber and paprika in it, that was delicious.
eat smarter.
ohaa, also very tasty and also what green 😋😇
Thank you for the ⭐s no good for you.
Also gives other colors.
if you The (and many of them) follows that green in Green Thursday of gpure = weeping comes, there is no reason, on Thursday and Easter Greens to eat.
But today we have spinach soup and enough of the fact that we still eat of it today. https://www.einfachkochen.de/rezepte/spinatsuppe-dein-neues-lieblingsrezept
is also very tasty
Yes today there was spinach not because today was green Thursday but just because I had Bock on it
Had to buy my spinach on forat at Rewe returnbecause of Retrieval!
Well! Then my spinach was gone!
I would love to have eaten it myself!
With potatoes and egg…
Don’t know who else does that, BUT I like it when everything is crushed and mixed…. Ok it looks a little weird but so it tastes best 🤣🤣🤣
ps that has made my uropa so and since childhood I have done so.
Is quasi today my outing 🤣🤣 but so tasted really best
Great thing!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Then I am also out today as “Kartoffel-in-Soße-Zerpresser” 😉
It’s a normal day.
Spagetti Bolognese.
But I like spinach but I rarely eat
People come on schnapps. The ones think Carfreitag is the day of the autoposer, the others try to get the green Thursday with Spinat. Only missing that exactly 6 months after Easter someone starts to celebrate Western.
Lol 😂
This is done by Bud Spencer, mostly on cable 1. Western. Totally balanced.
On my pizza was the one with shrimps and knobi.
But this was rather coincidence and is not related to today’s Green Thursday.
It was leaking, it’s the main thing.
I love Spinach!
Spinach with fish sticks and potato is one of my favorite dishes. My recommendation!
is also eif to tasty 😋
But by chance, I hear that for the first time
Nö, spinach we haven’t eaten today, but chickpeas noodles with greedy vegetables, including broccoli, which I really like to eat. 🥦😋
oha, very tasty & also what green in it 😋😇
Today in the canteen there were traditional “Frankfurter Grüne Soße” with Pellkartoffeln and egg. Mainhattan.
oha, also very delicious and green 😋😇
We’ve been here for an eternity.
Spinach does not only come to the table on Thursday
ohaa, very delicious 😋
I don’t like spinach.
With enough cream and cheese to balance the oxalic acid.
We haven’t eaten a spinach today and eat it anyway very rarely.
That’s all right! your shit will be green later!!
and then, you can eat it again because that look, smell and taste, very similar!
lol, is then eif an eternal cycle and very money and enriching 😂