Spielzeug für Katzen?

Hallo, ich suche neues Spielzeug für meine Katze.

Und zwar suche ich explizit Spielsachen zu Kauen/Beißen. Meine Katze liebt es auf ihren Spielsachen herum zu beißen und macht damit leider ziemlich schnell das meiste Katzenspielzeug kaputt. (Wir waren auch schon beim Tierarzt, ihre Zähne und alles andere sind in Ordnung, auf Sachen zu kauen ist einfach ihr Ding.)

Leider sind Hunde Sachen oft zu groß für ihr Maul, auch wenn wir ein Welpen Tau (so ein Ding mit Knoten drin) haben, das sie liebt, brauchen wir ein bisschen Abwechslung.

Ich meine nicht diese Stöcke, die es für Katzen gibt, zum zerbeißen.

Habt ihr irgendwelche Ideen, für ein robustes, gutes Katzenspielzeug, auf dem gut gekaut werden kann? Muss auch nicht explizit für Katzen sein.

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1 year ago

If your cats are super happy to chew on something around, you can connect it with dental care.

My recommendation: Hazelnuts with fur Link click here

1 year ago
Reply to  DaLiLeoMishu

isn’t that a little unhygienic within an apartment? or also only sun dryware like dogs?

1 year ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

They are animals that are persé unhygienic. *zwinker* Many cat owners and their cats swear. Just try.

1 year ago
Reply to  Greule

You have to ask the dealer in a targeted manner. But if dried rabbit ears go…?

1 year ago

well, I don’t have a cat anymore, but for the fs it sounds good, because I don’t know anything that’s safe for cat teeth except bands

1 year ago

My cat likes to check my dog’s leak. Very popular are chicken feet, rabbit ears with fur, dry fish with chicken, sometimes also dental sticks.

You can just test what your cat likes 😃

Otherwise there is also via the Internet, very small dog chew toys.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alsiel

I would look for maincoon toys maincoon cats are very big cats and are therefore also stronger so the toy is also somewhat more stable.

1 year ago
Reply to  Miakaitanja

But if we weren’t back on this problem,

“Leiders are dogs things often too big for their mouth”

Since Maine Coon toys is certainly bigger than the toy for the smaller races?

But in itself you are right, toys for big and strong animals, is a lot more stable and holds out more

1 year ago
Reply to  Greule

My cat never had problems, and he has a sensitive stomach 🙈

But he doesn’t eat so much as I usually give only one part for the dog, and the cat takes it when the dog doesn’t chew anymore.

Dry fish, chickens and hare ears are usually simply dried and without further additives or flavor enhancers. There my cat gets something so 2-3 times a month when I have something there (I buy it when, then actually for the dog) .

You can offer a small piece and see how your cat is wearing

1 year ago

My cats love these stinkies


They don’t stink for us. I’ve had them for 3-4 years. And are still very popular. So the acquisition definitely took her.

1 year ago
Reply to  Greule

If 3-4 years are not enough, I don’t know…

1 year ago

There are small wooden sticks made of matatabi wood. This is especially for cats to bite

1 year ago
Reply to  Greule

I’m not sure but maybe leather would be possible. you should check again

1 year ago

The problem I am really questioned which material for cat teeth is harmless.

Because if it is stable it could also become too stable for the teeth.

And something from rubber otherwise as could be completely broken