Spielt ihr ein Instrument?
Hi👋 ich (w13) spiel seit 5 Jahren Klarinette und hab mich gefragt ob viele Leute Instrumente spielen auf der Welt und welches☺️
Würde mich freuen, wenn ihr Alter, welches Instrument und wie lange ihr es schon spielt angebt (müsst natürlich ned)🫶❤️
Bedanke mich jetzt schon für die Antworten
Good evening.
I play a plucking instrument myself. More precisely, I play an electric guitar at the moment. At present I have a Fender Stratocaster. Otherwise, I also occasionally play normal acoustic guitar. I think this is a Western guitar;)
currently I am 16 years old and male and now play guitar for almost ten years 😉. I started playing with the acoustic guitar and I’ve been playing guitar for about 6.5 years.
Nevertheless, the electric guitar makes me much more fun. You can create all kinds of sound and have many freedoms. A solo also sounds good again and again, but theoretically you could also play campfire songs. This makes the instrument so individual.
I also like how many people can influence the sound. For example, there is very often the E as a sound. But each sounds different and even if it is in the same octave, it always has another and its own sound. This makes it individual and unique!
then I played about trumpet for two years well six years ago. Also a very beautiful instrument!
Clarinet is a very beautiful and impressive instrument. I tried it, but I fell back to the trumpet.
Hi, cool question 😀 I w14 is actually quite musical, my main instrument is guitar (E and Western) I have been playing for about 5 years. 🤘🏻
Otherwise I still play drums and piano (not good, but the basics)
Block flute I can handle a few, we had to do that in the 5th. Learning class had no bock at that time and did not continue 😅
Greetings! (I think clarinet is totally impressive, doesn’t know how it works, could you explain to me the prvt?)
You still have to change your bio. It says you’re 13
I also play guitar;)
Ne,I don’t play an instrument and don’t want to play,because I don’t have time for an instrument.🙃😉
LG Maike
Good evening, I’m playing drums.
I played classical guitar since 1990, was then 13. I only had 1 year of music lessons at that time. Reading notes etc. I have never learned. But I’ve been playing fleissig and taught me many things over the years, especially since there’s internet.
I play several instruments:
Schlagwerk: Drumset for 7 years and for 2.5 years classical percussion (Marimba, Pauke, small drum and everything else you need in the orchestra)
Trompete: for 5 years
Piano: 5 years and now after 6 years of break started again
Conducting: for just over half a year (I know that this is not an instrument, but I still find it in the list)
My goal is to get an orchestral performance as a drummer.
I’ve been playing violin for five years.
Guitar and a little piano.
Hi, I’m 62 and I’ve been playing drums for over 40 years as the main instrument.
Before that I played 3 years of piano and for about 3 years I have been working with the electric guitar again.
since approx. 2.5 years, I play guitar. 🎸 Before I played about 3 years of trumpet 🎺. Actually, I wanted to start teaching myself keyboard 🎹 because I have one. I’ve been playing something more often, but I’ve never been stuck. 😅 And I’m singing great! By the way, w14.
I’ve been playing cross flute since I was in primary school since the 1st-4th grade and now start again, earlier I stopped because my cross flute teacher only yelled at me and then I started completely new again 🤗
Wow 😯
Thank you
I forgot my age: now I’m 13 years old 😊
Theoretically also recorders, I know the handles and can play some songs, but the instrument is just too annoying to me.
I’m 17.
Cool 😜 these are many instruments
But I played fanfare as a child
I’ve been playing guitar, ukulele and piano for years. My sister plays ukulele, piano, trumpet and flute 🙂
I have been playing piano for eight and a half years (in m/17)
I am 29 and have been playing guitar for over 23 years
Look at profile picture😁 But Western guitar. But there was no beautiful picture.
I play violin / violin are 8 months about
No interest