Gambling addict?
Hello, I'm new here and would like to get some of your experiences and tips. I'm married and have a problem with my wife. She often goes to the casino to play slot machines and has already lost a lot of money.
Hello, I'm new here and would like to get some of your experiences and tips. I'm married and have a problem with my wife. She often goes to the casino to play slot machines and has already lost a lot of money.
If so, please answer the following questions: Are they annoying? Do you love them? Do you share a room or does each sibling have their own? If you have a little brother/sister, why is that useful? If you have a big brother/sister, what's cool about it?
Hi. I'm 25, a single parent, often depressed, and live alone with a 4-year-old son. Now, since he was 3, I've barely been able to get along with him. He screams, bites, throws things at me when he's angry, and insults me with things like "I hate you." It's still okay, but he also says…
Good evening, I am currently on vacation with my husband, our daughter, and my parents. A few days ago we celebrated our one-year-old daughter's birthday, and I invited my sister-in-law and brother-in-law to join us. I wrote her the following: Because there have been a lot of problems with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law in the…
Hi, I'm 13 and want to travel alone to see my relatives for eight hours, and I have to change trains once in Frankfurt. The reason given is that I'm too young. Do you have any suggestions?
I've tried everything, but it's not working. They say that once I have my OWN apartment, I'll eventually have privacy. Please write some tips. I'd prefer if they knocked and only came in when I said they could. (I know it's their apartment, but I still have a right to privacy.) LG
You’re not playing, are you?
I would also recommend that the therapy and, as already said, both go there and otherwise many self-help groups, perhaps this helps.
At your place, I would do that so that you manage the money, but you must realize that you are addicted to play.
If you don’t see it like that, threatening with separation, sounds hard, but that can’t be lucky if you’re more important to play.
Either way, you have to stop if you want a lucky future.
Hello, I never played, that’s enough for the woman to play all the money. Unfortunately, nix of them remains money, credit and debt to play with friends. I have already submitted the divorce in December 2022, but at the second trial in February 2023, she gave me a psycho-teror at home before the trial. Unfortunately, I was put under pressure by my wife, which I unfortunately withdrawn the divorce on February 2023
Oh, that doesn’t sound good and I’m sorry for you.
Are you both in your family or do you already have kids to put you under pressure?
If you still have hope, if you don’t, then move through and give you a break.
Even if a child should be in the game, you must stop it or divorce.
But also so, I would want to divorce because you only keep you with psycho terror and pressure, there is no love left.
I have a service apartment and work at the train.
We live together in an apartment. separate beds and the woman does not want to look for an apartment for her
My wife is from Thailand She has three children who are in Thailand. I don’t have kids with her. I have no children
Then you should talk to her, tell her what she’s doing and help her get rid of the addiction.
If she can’t or would like to see it, then you should make her aware of the financial consequences.
She’s working? Do you have a scheme for cost-sharing in rent, etc? If you don’t meet.
Hello, the woman goes work earned about the Euro 1700 and has a loan of Euro 38000 the debts to her friends are Euro 6000, Unfortunately they do not give any cost-sharing in the rent and electricity
You did something wrong. With us in marriage, everyone takes part in the costs according to a quota. This has worked well for so many years, whether I worked full or part-time. Check out what you have on fixed costs, either share it by quota or 50/50 and ask them to transfer this amount to your account monthly if it has received salary. We also carry a household book about the purchases, my husband carries it, I forget it sometimes, so he does. And by the receipt he sees the amount. I don’t have to moan and make money. At the end of the month, we expect and the one who paid too much gets the rest from the other. We’re going to 38 now. Year. With the rest of money, each of us can do what he likes. With this we have received children, educated, given them good training, they are in life and now we are still doing so. Money NIE was a dispute. Each of us has used money for itself, but also created. The result are 2 nice cottages next to ours. If she put her rest money on her head– her problem. You can’t help her with the debt. Tell family and friends you won’t stand for them.
With my wife is the only problem she has the gambling addiction and her friends unfortunately also
I’m sorry for you. If you don’t learn to assert yourself, you’ll only become more unhappy than you are. And honestly? You didn’t come to the world to be oppressed or haunted by another person. I wonder at such moments, and that was before my marriage, always asked, “What would you answer if you were expected one day on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge and you were asked what you did with your life and your life”. At that time, I should have said, “an alcoholic would go through life…” and then I knew that that was the wrong answer. So I did the hard cut and found my luck. Vlt. you should go to a consultation, that’s important to you. All good and great strength.
I am happy for you, and you are all together in life! I am also guilty in my marriage because I always swallow everything with her and am a good-natured man! Unfortunately, she already looked through me!
Hello, Walter!
There is a self-help community for members of game addicts. Write an email to
Hello also applies to Austrians
You have to set her total limits, not only for your good, but also auxg for her. That can end bad.
Hello, the woman doesn’t listen to it and she always starts screaming when she realizes she’s not right
Hey, play addiction is a disease, your wife needs urgent help. you should look for a therapy place together.
Hello, that’s true game addiction is a disease! I’ve often addressed the woman she needs a therapy. She said in answer that she loves playing and what she lost all that she wants to win back
that’s not a thing to do, she has to do a therapy.
Unfortunately, it is well anchored in game addiction
Put the word “game addiction” in Google…
What do you mean?
I want you to google what you can do.
Imagine the choice: divorce or immediate playtop.
Hello horribiledictu, thank you for the feedback
I have addressed the woman more often, she has said must recover the playful money
Yes, player stop.
that will never succeed, because such games are designed so that the bank always wins at the bottom.
The woman is from Thailand
in Thailand, too.
Your girlfriends also have the problem with the games
So? they can’t care about you, you’re not married to them.
She has gambling debts together with Euro 5000,00
then she should look for work to pay them off.
She goes work full time 5 days week and earns Euro 1700
well. after their contribution to the common budget, it can deduct the debt from the money that it remains. does not do this, it is also not your problem if your girlfriends drive the money in court.
I am from Austria and there the husband cannot block the woman at the casino
yes, and in Austria you have a division of goods in a marriage – if you weren’t so stupid to arrange a community of goods. So you’re out of the tailor.
financial at least. I hope that you’ve pulled a rivet with the woman.
The woman is 57 years old and I am 45 years old
I’m glad I don’t have my own children with the woman
ok, the knowledge seems to be there – when do you draw the consequences and separate yourself?
I have been married with her since October 2015 and since June 2020
very bad answer, absolutely zero helpful!!!
on the contrary, for him this is the only sensible solution.
after a beer you are not an alcoholic – and then you must not be drunk until you are. detto playing.
how to start playing is how to drink a beer. Being alcoholic is also a disease, and this is not a character error, but a serious disease for which there are therapies and help!
at least starting with playing was a decision!
In addition, you should stop apologising for any character error as “disorder”.
No, it’s not a decision. it’s a disease and a search.
Game” addiction” IS a decision: every time you sit down to play, it is.
and if she thinks she’s gonna need a therapy, she’s free at all times
No, she’s sick and urgently needs help in the form of a therapy when the partner is sick then you don’t leave him in the stab, but you’re looking for a way out of this crisis!
it is the same if she has an accident and then sits in the wheelchair, would you say he should separate? game addiction is not a conscious decision and I know what I’m talking about, as I used to be playful and thank God is healed today!
Memory log.
How can I prove psychological violence?
Unfortunately I have to stay with her in the apartment
I’m going to Reha for 6 weeks in August because of the psyche
good, so also psychic violence as a further ground of divorce
She always became angry when I talked to her about it
I think, yes, in the sense of a dissolution of marriage by their addiction. A lawyer tells you more.
Can I specify your gambling addiction and my private bankruptcy as a divorce ground?
as always: the sooner you run it, the sooner it is through.
I heard that it took time in Austria for three years then the divorce goes through?
she doesn’t need to agree. lasts a little longer…
I spoke to the Fau about the divorce 3 months ago, she said to me that she will not agree to the divorce because she has run a credit on her name Euro 35000 and she still owes the Euro 5000 debt to your friends
1 Marriage in Thailand with 3 children, came to Austria in 2000 2 Marriage, divorced in 2003 and divorced again in 2004 3 Marriage and in 2007 and on 20 June 2020 the 4 Marriage
that obviously has its reason as you are experiencing; the other three will have zoomed it exactly like that.
With her it is the fourth marriage
I wouldn’t let it come that far. you were her milk cow.
What’s going on with the divorce now? a nude (dir!) cannot be gripped in the pocket…
I’m on the private bank
You’re going to get rid of her.
How do we start the divorce with a playful wife?