Spielsucht Symptome?
Ich wache Nachts auf und höre das Klingeln vom Automaten und ich höre die Freispiele. Die Geräusche habe ich auch im Traum. Seit meiner Trennung spiele ich weil ich sonst mehr rauchen muss und ich vorher fast rauchfrei war. Meine Lunge hat es in sich
It’s just a transition phase. Maybe you should watch nature. Then you’ll be more relaxed.
Transitional phase for what?
The game addiction is just a shock phase. It’s overwhelmed when you’ve digested the grief.
I am grateful for this all the time for the Competent Answer
What is the question now? Are you playful?
Yeah… yeah sounded very good. You’re filling a hole with playing, you’re talking about abuse in drugs.
If you don’t want to slip off completely, you should look for professional help yesterday than tomorrow.
Is that a normal dream or a symptom?
Dreams are not overvalued but that you also wake up white and the first thought is “must play” shows a demand. What is a basic symptom of addiction.
What I would recommend would you just put your next monthly wage on black. Lose 100% or win 200%
Thanks there is the chance higher than the machine but I play as a distraction to process the separation so that I stay as smoke-free as possible. Roulette wouldn’t help me
do not worry you can stop at any time 😎
you can lose 100% but also win 1000%!!