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Would say no so if it suits then it doesn’t matter what origin the other person has but I think everyone is biased in any kind
Nationality : should come from Germany, England, France and speak German.
Religion is a NoGo because I will not subordinate myself to a religion, neither control me from it or let myself be guarded, and I also have zero Bock on endless debates in this regard. 🙂
Apart from the fact that I’m not dating since I’m married, the following applies to me:
Nationality: no matter, skin colour: no matter, empire/arm: no matter
Religion: no matter. I think here is also the basis for a good relationship, especially if it is later perhaps. Children’s education goes.
You’re talking about two problems. A common language facilitates the approach of two people to a relationship in general.
Religion can then be a reason for perishation if one religion does not allow a partnership with another religion.
Nationality rather less. Religion already. I couldn’t be with an exaggerated believing woman.
A strict religious woman would be an exclusion criterion with me, not nationality. Depends on the overall package.
Religion in any case
Nationality so semi
Yes, yes. I exclude certain religions as well as certain countries of origin.
Yeah, definitely.
I wouldn’t date a person belonging to a religion
Of course. That makes 1 woman
Partly already yes…😌🐥
Nationality: As long as Europeans and the same language as I speak, it would be second.
Religion: NO Islam, but with radical Christians or cult members I would have a problem too.
So open for everything 😂