Spiele nutzen Bandbreite nicht vollständig. Woran liegt das?
Guten Tag,
ich habe mal wieder The Division angezockt und gemerkt das mein Ping recht hoch ist, wenn ich aber einen Download auf Steam starte geht er ohne Probleme auf meine (gedrosselten) 1MB/s hoch. An der Steam Drosselung kann es auf jeden Fall nicht liegen.
Ping and download speed are two different things that you cannot compare.
Just because you easily get to your 1 MB/s, it doesn’t mean your ping has to be good.
The ping is as high as he’s holding, you can’t change much.
A good answer from the user @akira79:
“This is unfortunately due to the servers of the game providers and sometimes to your Internet provider (“Trafficshaping”). You can’t do anything about that. Sometimes it can help if you complain to the provider. An attempt is definitely worth :)”
I can only confirm.
The ping depends on the line length (distance) to the server, and not on the bandwidth.
Meaning you can have a 500 MBit line with a game whose server in Malaysia is a worse ping than someone with a 16 MBit line that accesses a server in Frankfurt.
You can’t really influence your ping.