Spiele mit denen man Geld verdienen kann (USK 12)?

Hallo! Gibt es noch andere Spiele außer CS:GO mit denen man Geld machen kann zB. durch verkaufen von Skins? (CS:GO darf ich (13) nicht spielen).. Wenn ja gibt es die auch ab usk 12? Mfg

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6 years ago

Fortnite can sell skins… But only in Battle Royale mode. However, I am not quite sure whether the feature with skins is already available. If so, you’ll start a new account, give him a ski from your main account and then sell all the second account. You have to decide how to do that.


7 years ago

Well you can farm steam cards in some games and sell on the Steam market, but you can only get a few cent^^. A free to play pickre “unturned”

7 years ago
Reply to  PeterJurgen09

And CS:GO skins are not a secure investment xD

7 years ago
Reply to  Bitte01


On the page you can also use Steam games “farmen”, in the prizip you watch advertising/mini games/enquiry to farm points. With 500 points you can get good games unfortunately some games are already sold out 😀

It also lasts a little long.

7 years ago

WhereW was very good to sell through gold, but that’s hardly worth it, level service can still do something.

Look at this https://www.elitepvpers.com/ to pay for what people are willing to pay for money, but there are also some scams on the way.

As a newbie, it happens there quickly that you’re being cached or people don’t trust you because you’re newly registered and don’t have references.

On epvp you should never use Skype to complete a trade,is an offer significantly better than the average it is 100% of a scammer, with time you can recognize scammer on epvp but quickly.

Good luck

7 years ago

So you can make pictures or even emojis money on Steam as you said with Steam Cards/Background pictures or even Emojis money but very little except you play F2P games where you get skins and cards but there you won’t make very fast money, I have over 2000 cards,Background Images and Emojis

7 years ago

From 16/18 there would be PUBG or from 12 Team Fortress 2 where you can get and sell skins as with CS:GO or PUBG.