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I like to fried it only on one side.
The leak is just the solid protein with liquid egg yolk.
If the egg yolk gets stuck, it tastes much less good.
but only very briefly, the egg yolk must still be liquid but the egg clear no longer glibbern
So I like it most… but tastes are known to be different;)
“Sunny side” is a must
Taste. I’ll get my mirror eggs on both sides, but the yellow must still be liquid.
I don’t like a protein gobber…
A good taste
likes both variants, depends on where
Rather without turning… except I pack it between two slices of bread!
Sunny Side Down:-)
I turn them so that the white is no longer glibbery, but the yellow is still liquid.
Let’s get it hard, let’s put the egg yolk on and let it go over the food.
It is no longer a real reflection.
Shortly the “upper side” so that the egg yolk becomes soft.
A mirror is turned. If you only cook it on one side, it’s a bet.
This language use does not apply supra-regionally. I don’t know where you come from, but in the entire North German space, mirror eggs are always fried on one side and still called mirror eggs.
“Setzei” I’ve never heard of it.
I know the term from both Saxony and Hessen.
Those who use mirror eggs also eat small children.