Sperrimen ja oder nein?
Also ich habe eine Frage warum reitet man mit sperriemen und eil grundsätzlich kaut das Pferd dadurch ja nicht so gut ab. Ich persönlich reite ohne weil ich es angenehmer fürs Pferd finde.
aber warum reitet man damit ?
Ich will es verstehen daher ich mich oft frag was das nun bringt.
danke schonmal im Voraus 😉
Where exactly the sperm comes from, you don’t know exactly. The most common assumption is that it had its origin in the First World War and in this way it was intended to prevent undercut quarries in horses that could arise when they crashed with open mammals.
However, as people have always cared for animals and have been able to seize everything possible in order to reach or increase control, I can personally also imagine a different history of origin or it doesn’t matter. Because the fact is that today one knows very exactly how much a sperm-belt can talize horses if the horse can not handle the pressure of the bone on the sensitive palate receptors, in which it easily opens the mouth. As a result, it is not possible to swallow (genuine) saliva, which again leads to the lack of this as a buffer for the stomach slimming. Unfortunately, even today in many circles it is still considered to be “right” riding when the horse shows foaming at the mouth – in order to only pick out one point and perform more precisely what speaks against riding with sper straps.
The sparrow strap is one of the instruments in the riding shop, the evocative mistakes and also nasty tricks by hand to the horse as well as hardly any equipment. No wonder that there are still so many supporters for this, and even on tournaments the parts are still standard.
I think they shouldn’t be allowed to turn over WBO anymore. in classes A and L when jumping, this should also be the case, which would also prohibit the use of the martingal.
would be a step in the direction that beginners and bad riders would simply have to be screened out in the WBOs.
the use of unpackages should also be prohibited in the WBO.
that does not necessarily correspond to the reality. at least with progressing riders this is so.
the locking belt serves for different purposes. there are trenses that cannot be used with straps. there is no one in any case – these are all ergonomics (e.g. hippus lenktrense)
you can use most trensies with straps.
seldom a locking strap has to be used for anatomical reasons of the horse – but there is also another possibility of foaming with great safety.
straps should be used for most beginners on the horse, as they damp and distribute the effect of the aid. To this end, however, the locking belt must be completely correctly strapped so that it does not disturb the horse unnecessarily, but nevertheless achieves the desired effect.
the locking strap reduces the action of the drawer on the load and displaces part of the pull action on the nose back. also the effect on the bending of the horse becomes somewhat lower. In addition, in the initially still unskilled and unevenly acting hand, the bite is quieter in the maul of the horse. the bite is not pulled through with one-sided effect and it does not appear so much in the maul if it is unintentionally stronger, so it leverages less.
are used as a martingal, you need a strap. for all those who interrupt the direct pull – at the martingal hangs the weight of the martingal at the draw – the additional effect must be damped which arises due to the weight of the add-on equipment.
a somewhat undiscovered horse can also be better guided from the floor when using a locking strap, since the risk of pulling off the chew is lower.
in the case of trained, fine rider and well-trained horse, there is no argument in my opinion that would justify the use of a locking belt.
as such, the belt of my opinion has no influence. the horse doesn’t seem to eat.
the fine-pored white foam line is a result of good riding – a horse can chew even without a mouthpiece and even without a zaum. with very good circuses chewing horses even in the work of freedom. it looks just as good with straps as without – properly ride enough.
somehow the beginner has to learn the guide at some point – the beginner learns to turn in before he gets in the hand. But at some point, even MIT trains are being ridden, and especially at the beginning, the horse would have to suffer quite well without belts because uncoordinated movements without damping directly land in the maul and cause harm.
Mal ne Detailed explanation; super!
Thank you
It is ridden with straps because 1. the bite is quieter, 2. the horse does not tear his mouth open/the mouth shut, 3. the horse should not chew strongly.
Whoever closes the strap after these points has no idea!
Previously, chewing was a quality feature (ventral muscle chain is used), today it is probably a sign of pain/stress. A horse cannot be chew with closed lips – they have jagged backence teeth, i.e., when they are “chew” with tight nose and locking straps, then there are only slight grinding movements and no real chewing, the mouth has to open for it. Also must be swallowed, the horse finally has a bite in the mouth.
You can distinguish correct chewing from stress and pain.
I hope not. Otherwise, doktor bosch has to grind the with the grinding wheel and a lot to get at the defenselessly sedated ross plan.
or perhaps a hand-held horse-identist with different raspels and flees and a sensitive hand that guides the instruments – and without sedation. and yes – that goes.
”cocked” Backence teeth, better? 😁 That’s why the mouth opens
Depends on that.
There are always situations where it is better in work for the horse or for the rider.
It is always a balance between animal welfare and welfare of riders/the environment.
If it belongs to the equipment, it is used, but here you can make a lot for or against the horse as part of the setting.
In general riding, especially at the competitive level, whether WBO/LPO the judges often should consistently punish the abuse, which is also on the Areitplatz.
Many rides with sperms, as the horses will no longer tear the mouth. If he’s not too tight, they can open their mouth to a minimum. This means that the horse can no longer escape unpleasant reins.
I ride without, as long as I have the choice. Why I ride without: in my opinion, everything that blocks the horse is absent. The locking strap blocks the horse maul and this is not pleasant for the horse.
I also find it almost unfaithful that you had to ride on tournaments with sperbels for a time (I don’t know if that’s still the case)
The strap has an advantage that not many horses use, but one of my horses actually already: Support the jaw
I’m stuck without, running loosely with and with the given rein. My other mare I rode for the last few years without nasal belts, so if anyone wants to blame me, I’d just put something down – forget it. I’ve tried it for years
Finally, you have to ask the horse what it likes, just as with bites or biteless trimmings
The locking strap is absolutely nothing bad. Correctly 2 placed fingers ON the nasal bone
the latter – no.
that’s the nase band that’s so strapped.
four fingers on one side of the nose easy to insert. must not be tight, but also not slip through under the skin.
So it’s like a hannoverian nasenband.
A strap is strapped as well. 4 fingers you get even if it’s tighter, it doesn’t fit the noseband anymore. Swiss Equestrian has an instrument for measuring. This is checked on the bone.
If the horse is not able to chew satisfactorily, he is too tightly strapped. The real meaning is to support the horse-neck in its function, to protect the horse-maul by “distributing” the pressure on the horse’s head (especially in the case of hand errors of the rider, as can easily occur with beginners or when jumping).
In order to achieve control, the mouth is abuse of this object.
I ride with, or dressage with Hannoveranischer Reithalfter and jumping Mexican horseneck. Even at the caappzaum, if I have a beginner on it that gets the first time in the hand with a bite.
I’m long without ridden with English horsetailer, blocking was never a problem why I’ve long refused to use one. Then I have tried one on a recommendation of a friend who has ridden my mare by a ride and she just ran more satisfied. Then a Hanoveraniah horseneck tastes, which she took quite great in the dressage. But I don’t jump so well, so after various tests I stayed stuck with Mexican.
Alao just said, why? Because my mare likes it.
Many riders use a locking strap for their horse because it “always locks the mouth”. But that exactly that is the reason for a too hard rider hand is not seen or ignored. Then you would have to change his riding style, which would naturally favor another riding instructor or the insight that you might really do something wrong.
There may also be riders who do it, “because everyone does it” and “because that belongs to it.” I don’t know.
I immediately made the strap out of the two horsetails I’ve bought for my horse.
My horse has a right to speak and can say if he gets too much.
One rides out of ignorance and/or to conceal training errors (or because one rides a strange horse & the owner demands it).
What’s the article gonna tell me now?
You can’t shut your mouth, or you can prevent a horse from going through. But please… you must know.
So you mean, “Because the horse can’t tear up his mouth and go through it” is a legitimate argument to shorten his horse’s mouth? 🤔
And “satisfied” the horses with broken three-ring also go because here “satisfied” is confused with “avoid pains” ðŸ ̃
That it is a prejudice to substantiating “ignorance or training mistakes” to anyone using the locking belt. Unfortunately, this is also true, but does not justify such a rounding.