Sperma in anderer Farbe?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich masturbiere normalerweise nicht aufgrund von religiösen und sportlichen Gründen. Jedoch hab ich vor kurzem es dennoch einmal gemacht und mein Sperma war viel und auch leicht Gelb. Muss ich mir sorgen machen?
Danke im Voraus!
No, but I would rather think what a natural, human drive has to do with religion or sport?
The masturbation is nothing more healthy nowadays and is overused. People look too many porns and get false life ideas. They lose morality and discipline and all this is related to sport and religion. Thank you for the answer!
Masturbation has nothing to do with porn directly. When it wasn’t as easy to get to porn as today, you have masturbated as often. Also animals make regular
Oh! There are also many studies that prove the opposite. But do as you think
No, it’s not unusual. But what sports reasons are there?
Okay many thanks didn’t know it could be light yellow. I feel more energetic and powerful if I don’t mastubate longer. I guess my testosterone builds up better due to this and boosts testosterone performance.
That’s what you really think. There are no scientific studies that clearly demonstrate this. It makes sense to take care of when you train. In the morning, for example, a testosterone level is higher than in the evening. If it helps you, it’s anger if it actually works physically.
Just on the edge. The following advantages bring masturbation: