Speiseröhrenentzündung und trinken?

Hallöchen meine Lieben.

Wollte fragen,was man bei einer Speiseröhrenentzündung trinken kann?

Habe mir Sprudelwasser geholt und jetzt weiß ich nicht ob es gut für den Magen ist.

Daher frag ich was ich außer wenn doch kein Sprudelwasser,was ich sonst trinken könnte.

Danke für eure Antworten ♥️.

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3 months ago

Please no sprout (water) because the carbonic acid could additionally irritate the mucous membrane.

tap water or still water is okay.

Fruit juice (as already mentioned here) is also not suitable as acid present as well as (fruit) sugar.

Tea can be useful if non-stimulating herbs are used, e.g. fennel, sage, chamomile. – Don’t drink too hot.

Milk can also be felt pleasantly – in rather small quantities – if you like milk. (as all drinks please do not “eiskalt” and also not (to) hot.)

Does the inflammation have a known cause / trigger?

3 months ago
Reply to  Schokosternie

Ah, if this occurred in the course of antibiotics, the HA should see if you didn’t treat yourself with a fungus (Candida?). This is not so rare and can be treated well (at best by the HA).

3 months ago

Soor (pilz colonization in the mouth / esophagus) can often only be seen as irritation / redness / inflammation in the “fruit stage”, later you can see (usually) white beatings.

If your complaints get better, you can wait well.

3 months ago

Well, that’s a drug that helps the stomach acid “binding” something and against sodburning.

If the (deine pain) should not be recognizable in 2 days, please again to the doctor (can also be the HA, which can also treat it well), not that a fungus will be overlooked!

3 months ago

Hello! I’m sorry to hear you have an esophagus inflammation. 😔 In such an inflammation, you should pay attention to certain beverages in order not to worsen your complaints.

Freshwater unfortunately cannot be recommended, as carbonic acid can worsen the symptoms. Here are some drinks that are better suited:

  1. Water: Drink plenty of water to dilute the slime.
  2. Values: Ing readings can act soothingly on the digestive tract.
  3. Camillente: Kamillentee has anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Apple juice: Freshly pressed apple juice without additives can be helpful.
  5. Milk: Milk can soothe the stomach, but make sure that it is not too cold.

It is also important to dispense with sharp, acidic and fatty foods, as these can make the symptoms worse.

good improvement

3 months ago
Reply to  Schokosternie

does not make a significant difference for the question.

3 months ago

that was also my statement “one floor higher” 🙂

3 months ago

makes no difference whether 3.5 or 1.5 doesn’t matter. But I’d stay with tee first or water without gas.

3 months ago

If you haven’t done anything well, it’s certainly not a good idea to consume DAS now;)

S. my other answer here

3 months ago

I would recommend lukewarm green tea, which one actually drinks about 60 degrees so that the active ingredients (Epigallocatechingallat EGCG) are not destroyed,

Can be poured on several times and also acts as anti-inflammatory.