Speicherplatz voll?
Meine Festplatte auf meinem Laptop (Windows 11) voll ich habe dort 230 GB frei. Ich habe alle Datein oder Apps die mehr als ein GB fressen gelöscht und der Papierkorb ist auch leer. Ich habe mir Tutorials angeschaut und alles versucht. NICHTS hilft. Ich habe nur 8 GB frei. Wie kann das sein? Bitte um Hilfe. Es ist übrigens ein acer.
You should clean up the hard drive properly. Try the data carrier cleaning first. With system data. Then you should uninstall programs you don’t need. But also completely, without residues.
I’ve done everything
Complete uninstallation of programs should be possible, but as experience it only goes reliably through a clean reinstallation.
But I or others in special forums strongly advise against so-called third-party programs, such as cleaners or clean-up tools that do not really come from Microsoft. So the new installation is probably the most sensible.
I hope it’s just a bite. 20 years ago there were quite wildlife here – from almost portable programs that have made everything possible in their own folder (including all settings) to programs that have exchanged system DLLs without documenting it, and also otherwise have distributed their files across the system, so that it was ten times as expensive to track the remains as the complete system reinstalled. But I think it’s very hard to believe that a lot has changed here.
That’s right. But you can also manually clean up a bit of registration. You should understand something about it. If not, then as you say.
delete all TEMP files from the SYSTEM… manual deletion works for WIN 10 only if you turn it off before… whether this is the case with Win 11 I can’t say because I only use Linux Mint as Win 10 replacement
Delete temporary files. These are several GB after years.
Ggf Take a Tool Like Ccleaner
Did you just delete the icons from the desktop? Otherwise real hard drive search
No no everything
Hard drive through?