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1 year ago

Well, if everything is important and you can’t delete or move anything, then only the upgrade of the data carrier remains.

You could move if you installed more drives in your PC or have configured where space is still available.

Here’s a picture of the config in my PC:

On Drive C (local disk), next to Windows, there are only the programs that are not games and the files that are matched to my cloud storage.

On Drive D mainly files that I downloaded in any form but did not necessarily require permanently or have not yet sorted away.

On Drive E are then the games I have installed via Steam, Epic and Co.

And on the F and G drives are movies, music and other media files, as well as a backup of the C drive.

Drives F and G are hard drives (if media files are not at speed) and all other drives are two SSDs (D and E is a sub-divided SSD).

So if needed, I can move files to other drives if the space should be narrow on a drive.

and probably the optimal solution is similar to you, add another SSD or HDD to your PC, format it and then move files or games to the new drive.

(When playing, you may have to uninstall them and on Steam or Epic then set and reinstall a new installation directory, as if possible secure the game levels beforehand. Images, audio and video files can easily be moved.)

1 year ago

More hard drive

Or important files that you don’t need so often outsource to the cloud or external hard drive.

1 year ago

By building more or bigger hard drives.