Speicher auf Laptop freikriegen?

Ich Versuche GTA V auf mejn Laptop runter zu Laden. Ich hab Spiele gelöscht die ich nicht brauche, meine Dateien abgesucht (außer Lokaler Datenträger) war in Einstellungen um dort zu suchen usw.

Aber ich hab nicht genug Speicher. Kann mir jemand eine App oder Möglichkeit empfehlen wie ich Speicher freikriegen kann?

Danke im Voraus.

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1 year ago

Either pack data on USB stick and reset it once. Or you can expand your memory or buy something like a hard drive for USB that you can connect it

1 year ago

Get storage on laptop?

And you’re looking for an app that’s already back on storage by its presence? This is a contradiction in itself….

The glass ball says you use Windows on the device. And in the foggy veil it can be seen that you have not yet come up with the idea to clean up your system running gear and have used the Windows-integrated data carrier cleaning function.

In it, you can find a button that allows you to access the advanced options. And then you can also remove the Windows update packages that are no longer required, which remain on the computer after installation. (Love in a hidden directory and spend a lot of space there with time.)