Speicheltest positiv auf koks?

Ich hatte eine Polizei Kontrolle und musste einen speicheltest machen obwohl ich kein Koks gezogen habe nur angefasst war der speicheltest postitiv warum das? Und könnte von Speichel ins Blut kommen Werden Dan meine blut Ergebnisse positiv sein?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

A positive blood test is not possible without consumption.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Hallo137486

Thanks very much ⭐

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Hallo137486

Could be a false positive test.

According to the manufacturer’s specifications, he has an error rate of 2-5% even when used correctly. The test is also sensitive to cold and heat. Therefore, the saliva test is only used as a drug pretest, a legally secure conviction cannot be achieved.


1 year ago

No, you didn’t have to make a saliva test, but you volunteered for what was a big mistake. And now, of course, there are some problems. So you can only refute the positive saliva test by a negative blood test. You have to go through the whole procedure now.